Weekly Wrap Up (Korean War)

By Upatdawn @lisakeva

Selected reading about Korea

This week we studied the Korean War - Causes and Consequences.
As much as we don't like war, what a different place this world might be if we hadn't helped South Korea!
So Far From the Bamboo Grove is a true account of a girl around the time of the Korean War and the hardships her people faced at the hands of the Japanese.  It was a hard book for my boys to read because of the cruelties, but, it made them understand why freedom often comes at such a high price.

My boys started the next element in their Modern American History lapbook

An update on the Victory Garden.....or what is left of it!  A surviving bean plant.

Beans, we ACTUALLY got beans!  My 10 year old got something to actually grow in the soil!

We did finish up a few fun holiday activities - such as making a Keepsake Family Heirloom Tablecloth and a 'friendly' battle between two make it yourself kits:  Gingerbread Train and Chocolate House !
We concluded this week with a fun family trip to the zoo on New Years Eve.  It was so fun to have Hubby there to celebrate a light-hearted day and take that forever desired Kayak trip around the zoo!

"Daddy, save me from the Llamas!"

There's a whole lotta 'llama love' going on!

Feeding the Lorakeets.  This one was particularly loud and bossy --- I don't think my 10 year old was thrilled with this visitor!

Feeding a friendly Lorakeet

Ahhhh!  The Kayak trip of a 'lifetime'!

Join us next time for the 1950's and Eisenhower.
This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.blogspot.com . If you are reading this from a source other than www.upatdawnreadytowork.blogspot.com you are reading a scraped copy!