Weekly Wrap Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey friends..Happy Monday!  Are you working today like me or do you have the day off for MLK Day?  I love holiday traffic, I flew into work today and it’s going to be a relatively quiet day at work since most people with kids in school are out today!  That means I will actually get my work done during the day and not have to take it all home with me to do it when Ashton goes to bed, I am already calling today a win!!  So, let’s recap what happened around here last week, shall we?

Week: 1/12-1/18

Monday:  I am still trying to get my body used to running a few days a week again and I am keeping my mileage pretty low for now and not doing any speed work or anything until I have a few weeks under my belt.  I got in a comfortable 3.33 miles and then I did some weighted burpees! I am a freak, I love burpees–sorry, I know most people hate them, but I think they are awesome!  You work your whole body and get so much more “bang for your buck” with this move!!  

Tuesday: Another day of running, I did a 5k tempo where I warmed up for 1/4 of a mile and then did 2.5 miles at an 8:30 pace and then a 1/4 mile cool down. It wasn’t anything crazy but it did the job.  I worked core after I was done and stretched.

Wednesday: I got into work earlier than usual and got some lifting in before my usual Wednesday morning spin class.  You all know how much I love my spin instructor Erin and this class, and her music just rocks.  I have been playing around with my playlist lately and I randomly heard this song a few weeks ago and I feel in love with it…well, it found itself into Erin’s spin playlist too and it just solidified why I love her!  She used it for a long hill climb, it was awesome.  Music is a total motivator for me, if the music is good, I can push through anything, if not, I’m dead in the water.

Thursday: I still haven’t made it to my Thursday morning yoga class since we got back from the break.  I want to, its just that I have to decide between cardio or yoga because I just don’t have enough time to do both in the mornings and I think my break from running has left me craving more runs, so I banged out a quick 5k and finished off with some abs.  I know I have to get back to my yoga practice though!

Friday:  I started to run but only made it about 1/10 of a mile and my knee was telling me no, so I listened and jumped off.  I ended up getting on the stair climber–aka the machine from hell and did a super sweaty 3,000 steps while watching Hart of Dixie (judge away, I love Rachel Bilson!)  After work I picked up Ashton and we went to our favorite little cafe for smoothies…it was the best way to kick off the weekend!

Saturday: We had a really busy Saturday starting with swim lessons with Ashton.  He is in a preschool class now where we don’t go in the water with him.  When did my baby become such a big boy?

He is loving class and doing such a great job.  It makes me so happy to watch him learn new things and enjoy them, but another part of me is so sad at how quickly he is becoming an independent little boy.

After swim we had lunch and while he took a nap, I popped in T25 Beta Ripped Circuit. I needed something quick so I had enough time to shower and get some work done before he woke up because we had a busy night planned.  It’s amazing how when I used to do this video a few months ago, it was challenging but when I did in on Saturday, it was *almost* too easy.  I mean, it’s never easy but I felt comfortable doing it.  It really further shows me how much stronger I have gotten over the past few months and I think a lot of it had to do with the Asylum program.  I am lifting more and feeling stronger than ever!  Now I just have to keep up the strength!

After Ashton woke up, we got ready to go out to dinner.  We made early reservations at a Mexican restaurant downtown because we were taking Ashton to see Sesame St Live!!  He was mesmerized and had a blast!  He danced, sang and kept saying “Mama this is so much fun!”  Melted my heart every single time!

If you would have told me 3 years ago that my idea of a good time would be eating dinner at 4:30 p.m. and going to see Sesame St Live, I would have laughed at you, now…I couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do.  Seeing him smile and laugh like that is the best way to spend my time!

Sunday: Rest day! It was the perfect rest day because it was pouring and dark all day, so we hung out, played a lot of board games and Ashton asked if I would take a nap with him, so that is exactly what I did. I can’t remember the last time I took a nap!  I curled up on his giant bean bag and passed out for 2 glorious hours! (We have a webcam and Robyn took a pic of us sleeping)

I am pretty happy with the week, I am KILLING my water intake goal (I am averaging in the 90’s instead of my 70’s goal) and I am feeling really good.  I am pretty happy with my workouts.  I want to increase my mileage but I am playing it safe which I know is the smart thing to do.  I want to write out a more concrete plan in the next few days, but all in all, it’s been a good week.


Question of the day

Are you working today?  If not, what are you doing?  How was your week?