Weekly Wrap-Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Monday!! I hope you all had a great weekend!  I am seriously loving this Fall weather, we had such a great weekend that ended with apple picking (more on that later!)  I am also loving that it’s Fall marathon season and seeing all my friend’s FB, Instagram and blog posts, they are so motivational. There really is something so special about seeing everyone getting out there and killing it!  A BIG shout out to my girl Susie for CRUSHING it at the Twin Cities Marathon this weekend.  To all you racers out there, keep on rocking, you are all truly so amazing!!

Okay, now onto my week, it wasn’t stellar as you will soon see!

Week 9/29-10/6

Monday:   I was still in Madrid, I got out for a run and fell upon the Real Madrid soccer stadium.  I was really excited to actually see it in person, it was awesome!

Don’t let my paces fool you, this run hurt and there was a lot of stop and go because of traffic.  I was just happy to get out there and run, since I hadn’t run since the week before.

Tuesday: I had an all day advisory board that started early on Tuesday am so I got up, did some light yoga and sat on my but all day long.  I felt like junk pretty much all day.

Wednesday:  I got 3 hours of sleep and was up and out of my hotel at 4:45 a.m. to start my travel back to the U.S. I flew from Madrid to London, where I had a 3 hour layover and then got delayed 2 hours, it was awesome (insert a huge amount of sarcasm!)  I arrived in Boston and was exhausted.  While originally I planned to go right to Ashton’s daycare to pick him up and head to the park for some Mommy/Ashton time, I couldn’t because of the delay so I went home and was greeted by my boys. I don’t think I have ever been so happy to be home in my life.  Ashton cried when he saw me, I think he was so happy that all he wanted to do was cuddle on the couch with me and hold my hand.  BEST WELCOME HOME EVER!!

Thursday:  I got up at my normal time and wanted to die from jet lag drove into work and hit the gym like usual.  However, I didn’t do my typical Thursday morning yoga class.  I just needed to do some cardio so I ran 4 miles on the treadmill.  It wasn’t awful but it wasn’t great either.  I was tired but I was happy I just got it done!

Friday:  I worked from home because Ashton has a doctor’s appointment so I did the PiYo Hardcore on the floor workout.  After his appointment and nap, we ran a bunch of errands and I just couldn’t muster up the energy to do anything more.  I think I was asleep on the couch by 8:30 p.m.

Saturday: We woke up and Ashton had soccer and I took him to get his hair cut.  During his nap I cleaned out house from top to bottom, I think that counts as cardio, right?  Two hours of hard-core cleaning felt like a good workout for me!

Sunday: I woke up and finally felt like myself again.  We got up, Robyn cooked us a great breakfast of french toast with homemade bread and then we headed to meet some of our friends and their kids for apple picking.  We hiked, ran around and had such a blast!  When we got home, Ashton took his nap, I did some light yoga and prepped my food for the week and before we knew it, nap time was over and we went grocery shopping, ate dinner and it was time for bed.

Overall, this was not a great week for workouts.  Travelling, meetings and jet lag got the best of me, but I am motivated to make this week better.  I know every week can’t be stellar, but I was really disappointed I couldn’t get it together enough to get in the workouts I planned, but such is life.  This is a new week and I am ready to dominate!!


Question of the day

What happened when I was away?  Tell me what is good in your life right now!