You know how sometimes your sitting at home on a sunday night and wondering how on earrrrrth you going to see the end of the week?
The week seems to be some impossible void looming in your future, waiting for your to crumble at it’s unsympathetic mercy…
Maybe you don’t, but that was my week friends.
But you know what! I made it (quote) “through the wilderness, somehow I made it through-oo-ooooo” (thank-you shrek soundtrack, sometimes you just get me)
These little bits & bobs came to my rescue.
If they could hear me, (and in this case they can) “I just wanna send a huge shout-out to my perfect pick-me ups!” (I really don’t speak to objects… I swear)
The view from my bedroom, not tooooo bad to look out at when your studying! Gotta love those autumn colours. Not to mention the fact that I did stand on the roof next to my window to get the shot…. but mom really doesn’t have to know that…
Chocolate cake, the one and only. No description needed.
Easter wouldn’t be complete with these by my side. And what could be better than Mars, M&Ms and Malteasers in the form of easter eggs! This little guys did accompany me by the computer as I typed a tedious essay, and yes the bowl has officially been cleared…. just in case you were wondering
I’ve have my eye on these little bad boys for a while, and when I finally plucked up the courage to buy them (note: not much courage was needed at all actually, just a lil’ money in ma pocket and a short train ride), and I was right as rain to buy them, despite the fact that it took a week to come into store… the wait was tottttalllly worth it. Birkenstocks = ULTIMATE COMFORT BEYOND WORDS. Be sure for a full on ravin’ Musing A La Mode to come soon.
You’ve heard me rave about Saturday countless times, and here’s just another reason to add to my repertoire… Fresh hot cross buns from the bakery.
Nuff said.
I don’t normally get much in the mail, and when I do it tends to be from the bank. You know…the kind of mail we like *cough cough*. But when these beauties arrived from ASOS, they were on my twinkling toes in a flash, and I’m pretty sure I wore them around the house for an hour that arvo… ASOS, you can do no wrong.
And incase you were thinking, no I don’t have a shoe fetish…. maybe a little… alright you got me. Its like my drug.
And last but certainly not least, what would me week or even day be like without this shining face. Ma little man Stewie, always there for a hug, play and sit under my desk as I attempt to work. No idea what I would do without ma left hand man. (This is a very rare shot for him, he has a sincere hate for camera’s, and shadows and reflections – gotta love him :) )
So there you have it folks, a mini glimpse at the positives in the life of Bec for these past 7 days.
What gets you through a long tough week?
I’ve got a killer easter baked good idea in mind, so stay tuned!
Thanks for stopping by