Weekly Round Up #4 | Devon

By Littlefashionthoughts

UPDATES: A quick short and sweet update, still lost without a camera. Well, Saturday night was Izzy's 18th birthday party, and myself, Hannah, Joe and Jamie got kicked out at half past ten because Jamie and Joe bought wine from a shop and then when we tried to get back in he wouldn't let us, so we stayed outside and had a hilarious night and some how the four of us and Alana and Tasmin ended up in a uni dorm and inside someone's flat - we were invited, we didn't just demand entrance. It was kinda cool actually and getting kicked out ended up turning into a hilarious night, I was quite upset I didn't get to say thank you and goodbye to Izzy though.

LISTENING TO: 'Too Quiet In My Town' - Civil Twilight, this is my favorite ever song and there is just so much depth and meaning to it, it's just incredible.

WEARING: My oversized light grey denim look jacket is back in my most wears, something light that keeps my arms warm under my jacket at college.

WATCHING: The Mindy Project, I watched all the episodes in less than twenty four hours a few days ago, it's my new little obsession. It's absolutely hilarious!

READING:Can I put down uni prospectus' for this? Because that's all I've had time to read lately.

FAVOURITE BUY: I haven't actually bought anything for myself this week, my best friend was eighteen yesterday and so all I have bought recently is her present. 

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "No one cares if you're walking around drinking wine wearing a tiara around here." - Jamie, my friend which he said Saturday night. I laughed so much.

EXCITED FOR: My best friends party on Saturday.