Weekly Recipe Wrap-up

By Pureandsimplenourishment
Hi everyone! How is your week going?
I have some great news… only one more ICU call shift left in my medical career!!! This is a very big deal. It not only represents the end of my in house call days it also means I am one step closer to starting my rheumatology fellowship in July! I can't wait!
Needless to say since I am on ICU I haven't had as much time for blog related activities. Or anything else outside of medicine for that matter. But I have still managed to collect some amazing looking recipes for this weeks recipe wrap up. It is a little dessert heavy. I apologize for that (well no, actually I don't… a little extra paleo dessert never hurt anyone).
Since you have found your way here I know you already believe in the positive health effects that a paleo or ancestral type diet can have, but this is still far from a widespread belief which makes me very happy to see USATODAY publishing an article about the paleo diet.
You can find the full article here
Other websites are starting to include more and more publications examining a paleo type diet, and here are just a few others I came across in my search:
1. Huffington Post: Paleo People Didn't Need Dental Checkups, But You Do 
2. The Telegraph: The Paleo Diet: Can It Really Be Good For You? 
3. CTV News: Popular Paleo Diet Still Stirring Controversy 
I for one am really excited to see more and more main stream news sources examining the paleo diet. Both good and bad. It means that people are at least showing interest in dietary changes, and with interest and hype will (hopefully) come more studies specifically examining this type of diet. And this, in turn, will hopefully lead to further support for this way of eating.
Ok I think that's about enough rambling from me for one day…
I hope that everyone has a good weekend! Let me know if you try any of these recipes, and as always simply click on the heading of each recipe to be taken to its original source.
And if you are interested in following me anywhere else, here is where else you can find me!

1. Paleo German Chocolate Cake from Grok Grub 

2. Creamed Coconut Milk Spinach from Health Starts in the Kitchen 

3. Paleo White Chocolate Pie from the Spunky Coconut 

4. Kale Guacamole from the Savory Lotus 

5. Mandarin Chocolate Truffles from Against All Grain 

6. Jam Filled Thumb Print Cookies from Delicious Obsessions