Weekly Recap: 26/7-1/6

Posted on the 01 June 2014 by Olivia

With 4 days off from work, I’ve been a busy bee this week. To tell the truth I’ve been busy cleaning the house, cooking, recharging my batteries by the coast and eating ice cream. The last two were incredibly exhausting! How dull it must to eat so much ice cream. Poor me! I’m actually right in the middle of scooping out Magnum’s new chocolate pint. I had my doubts, but this chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce and chocolate sprinkle is a real chocolate bonanza! I was afraid that it would be too sweet, but it’s not. It’s incredibly rich in flavour, almost too rich. Oh who am I kidding, it’s a spoonful of pleasure! Excuse me while I lay down and have an ice cream coma…

Somehow I only fit in two runs this week. I needed to give my body some time to recover from the drastic increase in running. I am getting stronger by the day and I feel that running in barefoot/minimalist shoes has helped me in so many ways. I’m sure it helped me this Friday when I went for a 22 min barefoot run on the beach. That sense of freedom and being in touch with the ground got me to focus on how I placed me feet and improved my pace and posture. Surprisingly enough, I wasn’t sore at all next morning. I did however learn one very important lesson after that run – never go out for a run before visiting a toilet. It was not a very pleasant experience running around and slowly getting a stomach ache. It was the only thing I focused on and I could barely get through the first 10 min. So I had to pause my session and resume it one minute later after having “gone to the ladies’ room”. A bit disappointed that I had to pause, but if you gotta go, you gotta go. Lesson learned!

Monday: Yoga

Tuesday: 4.27 km – 38m 42s (5 min warmup walk. Run 10 min; Walk 3 min; Run 10 min + cooldown)

Wednesday: Yoga

Thursday: Rest

Friday: 3.85 km – 36m 32s (5 min warmup walk. Run 22 min + cooldown) <– Completely barefoot on a beach

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Yoga

I’ve been thinking of incorporating another workout into my schedule. Even though I do yoga, it’s for relaxation and stretching on a beginner’s level in order to recover from the running. I like challenges, especially those that I’ve previously not succeed at. My next post will probably cover this challenge, but for now it will remain a secret (well some of you might know of it). All I can tell you it has something to do with Yoda and my hands. Oooh got you curious there now did I?!