Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes Never a Crowd in Sardinia

By Jenniferavventura @jennyavventura

It was an overcast and cold February afternoon when I looked out my living-room window.

The panorama leaves me breathless, always wanting more. The sheep gracefully grazed their afternoon snack while wild boars were secretly and quietly coming out of hiding. It’s not often we get to see a wild boar roaming free in these hilly lands but this day was a Sunday and more often than not they come out on this day just to torture the hunter who tries so skillfully to kill them.

Mom and Pop hung their heads low not sure in which direction the next shot will blow. When the coast was all clear, they gathered their young not knowing were the next hunter might appear.

Delightfully in tow, not one, nor two, not three nor four, not even five could keep this tribe happily revived. There were six in all, following along the safety of mother’s hooves step. They were gone in a flash, deep in the bush leaving but a line of silhouettes.

This is my response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes.

“In a nutshell, a three-picture story is a way to help you think about storytelling with images. To create a three-picture story, gather:

  1. An establishing shot: a broad photo of your subject.
  2. A relationship: two elements interacting with one another.
  3. A detail: a close-up of one part of your subject.”

How often do wild boars gaze in your front yard?