The WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge this week has been set by Cheri Lucas and this is how she set the challenge.
Solitary. I love capturing a person in a quiet and often unexpected moment. These kinds of images can be reflective, mysterious, or even sad, conjuring strong emotions and stirring up stories in my head. ….I experienced a few moments of silence as I watched a woman walk to the end of the room. We were strangers—yet alone, together. A solitary moment, frozen with my lens.
Share a picture that means SOLITARY to you!
First, as usual, I looked up the definition of SOLITARY: [sol-i-ter-ee]
adjective 1. alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by. 2. living alone; avoiding the society of others: a solitary existence.3. by itself; alone: one solitary house.4. characterized by the absence of companions: a solitary journey.5. done without assistance or accompaniment; done in solitude: solitary chores.* * * * *
Then, as usual, I took my camera out into the garden to seek something that would fit with the definition. I told myself there must be something I can use to incorporate the gardening theme I like to run through the weekly challenges. Sure enough, if you look hard enough for something you will find it.Last week, in my Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post I wrote that I wanted to include a photo of the beautiful Passion Flower growing outside my kitchen door, but sadly all the flowers were over. The first thing I saw this morning as I walking out of the kitchen, tucked away under a lot of leaves, I found one SOLITARY Passion Flower bud.Spurred on, I remembered I had made mention of the SOLITARY Verbena Bonariensis which looked too pathetic to include in the GBBD post. Well, its photographic opportunity has arisen, so here is my SOLITARY Verbena.
© Hurtlingtowards60 and Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond. ©AarTeePhotography Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited