Weekly Photo Challenge – Reward – Visiting the Garden of Ninfa

By Gardeningjules @Gardeningjules

This weeks photo challenge is titled Reward, I thought of the long walks, cycle rides, hills and the odd mountain we had climbed to stretch our bodies and be rewarded by spectacular views but chose visiting the Garden of Ninfa in Italy and finally seeing the crumbling walls covered in Roses as my response to this challenge. Its easy to fall in love with this wonderful romantic garden but finally visiting and experiencing breath taking joy is something I will never forget.

Roses in the Garden of Ninfa

My piece on the Gardens of Ninfa was written shortly after I began blogging and since that time have met many people I would not have met before, who have given me great advice, been extremely kind and who have opened my eyes with some wonderful blogs to so many beautiful plants and places across the world.

Please visit the photo challenge page to see how other folk have responded to the Reward challenge.