Weekly Photo Challenge: Purple

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

This week the Photo Challenge proved to be slightly more difficult than I had envisaged.

What was the challenge?

Subtle, waning purple of a sunset; vibrant purple of grapes or eggplant – what kind of purple caught your photographic eye?

Share a picture that means PURPLE to you!

With my two main loves being gardening and photography, it was a no brainer deciding to take photos of the fabulous variety of purple shades of beautiful flowers.

Purples hues in the plant kingdom range from the red end of the colour spectrum through to blue, from plum to lavender – such a kaleidoscope of colour.

My difficulty was what to choose. So with a great deal of deliberation I have decided on just ten – hope you like them.

Did you know that in the world of the meaning of flowers, purple flowers send a message of pride, dignity and admiration.

© Hurtlingtowards60 and Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond. ©AarTeePhotography Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited
