Weekly Movie Review

By Emma Whoriskey @whoriskeyemma
12 September, 2014
Weekly Movie Review

Review of The Guest

Directed by Adam Wingard

Produced By Simon Barrett

Weekly Movie Review

The Guest's lead actor is Dan Stevens, you may know him as Matthew Crawley of Downton Abbey. I am not sure you will know him for anything else after this awful, cheesy, downright bad movie.If like me you grew up watching B movies in the 70's, you will remember the bad acting, bad music, said cheesy clichéd lines and a plot that could have been good with a bit of tweaking in the right hands, but they were unavailable due to a large barge pole being in the way. This is what The Guest reminded me of. It made us laugh out loud, at jus thow ridiculously

.00awful it was, I would have left pretty much after the start, but being duty bound to review it I had to stay until the oh so bitter end. Plot aside ( uninvited guest plus those pesky government scientist messing with folk again) it was things like the incidental music that roared onto the screen every now and then to warn you that bad things were going to happen like a big massive pointer, my issue with that is that the bad things were everything in this movie. I cannot go any further in describing The Guest, because quite frankly I for one have checked out never to return. If only Lady Mary could deliver one of her stone cold withering lines to Mr. Stevens, he so deserves it for such piffle. In the words of one wise little man.....just don't do it.

No stars !

Go watch something like The Terminator, The Fog, Eastenders, anything else would be a treat.