Weekly Marketing Skinny: June 15, 2013

Posted on the 15 June 2013 by Ana Hoffman @AnaTrafficCafe
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In the spotlight this week:

  • Matt Cutts’ first: spills the beans at SMX Advanced;
  • last chance CommentLuv Premium sale;
  • win $1000 in a blogging contest;
  • Traffic Generation Café has been hit by Penguin (yep!);
  • how to find out about Google updates and how they affect your site;
  • and much more.

It’s been a very busy week on the personal front for me (end of school year, house projects – life, you know), so I held off publishing any new posts at Traffic Generation Café.

However, there are a couple of things I’d like to point out before moving on to the marketing news of the week. The first one will hopefully make me some money (THANK YOU for that!) and they second one will hopefully make you some money.

Last Chance CommentLuv Premium Sale

LAST CHANCE SALE for CommentLuv Premium; no more lifetime updates after this.

CommentLuv Premium has always been one of my favorite plugins.

I’ve been using it at Traffic Generation Café since the day I started the blog and still do.

I use CommentLuv Premium to encourage comments, community and social shares.

I use it to keep Traffic Generation Café virtually spam-free (with my CommentLuv Premium settings, I get about 10 spam comments per day tops).

I use it for link building and driving traffic from other blogs.

I use it to send reply emails to my commentators (if you comment at Traffic Generation Café and wonder what I use to send those sleek responses to your comments, it’s CommentLuv Premium!).

Andy Bailey is about to change the payment plan on the plugin, it’ll have recurring payments for updates

**Before he does that**, he’s having one final 5 day sale where you can get it at half price AND on the lifetime updates license (I believe it ends this weekend).

Go and get your lifetime updates license here 

And… Andy’s working on some new functions that can even defeat human spam from dedicated spam teams.

You can get all of the new functions and features for FREE for LIFE, but only if you act now.

Go and get your lifetime updates license before it’s too late and let other blogs deal with spam and hunt for readers.

I know this question is coming – why don’t you see CommentLuv links at Traffic Generation Café any longer?

It’s not because I turned Commentluv off; I am just too lazy to clean up broken links, but it’s on my to-do list.

Despite that, Commentluv is still running on my blog, protecting me from spam, engaging with commentators, and many other functions.

Marketing Contest from Viral Content Buzz – Join!

This month Viral Content Buzz launched their first sharing contest: add your high-quality article, have it shared, and win $1000 in cash!


  • Make sure your article is top-notch quality (the higher quality the article, the more shares it will generate as our users are all real and they only want to share great content that will add value to their social media streams)
  • You need to have a valid PayPal account (that’s how we’ll send you the prize)

There’s no need to enter the contest in any specific way: if you start using Viral Content Buzz, you are already in.

The contest ends on July, 12.

Learn more about the prizes and how exactly to win them in this post.


Matt Cutts Talks at SMX Advanced

This week at SMX Advanced, Matt Cutts was on stage to answer questions about Google search and webmaster topics with Danny Sullivan.

According to Barry Schwartz:

Of all my years watching Matt Cutts talk, I believe it has been over ten years now, I have never seen Matt reveal so much new information and announce so many new things in a single hour at a conference.

As you can imagine, it’s hard to sum it up in a skinny, but here are the highlights, with links to those individual stories at Search Engine Land:

  • Google Payday Loan Algorithm: Google Search Algorithm Update To Target Spammy Queries – Google launched a new algorithm that is currently rolling out to target more spammy industries and some of the “illegal” SEO and linking tactics they use.
  • Google’s Panda Dance: Matt Cutts Confirms Panda Rolls Out Monthly Over 10 Of 30 Days– Similar to the Google Dance, which was how Google pushed out new indexes in the early 2000s, Panda updates are typically pushed out monthly and run over a 10 day period.
  • Google Webmaster Notifications Now To Show Example URLs – Matt promises that most, if not all, manual penalty notification emails from Webmaster Tools will include a few examples of the problem so webmasters can better understand what to look for to fix their issues.
  • Google: Site Speed Penalty Coming To Mobile Web Sites – In addition to the mobile SEO demotions Google announced yesterday morning, Google will also add a ranking factor to mobile search results based on the site speed time of your mobile web pages. I have to assume that speed is a larger factor on mobile than desktop, but that speed time was not disclosed.
  • Google Structured Data Dashboard Beta – Want to test out a new dashboard in Google Webmaster Tools to see errors and reporting on your webpage’s structured data? You can sign up for the beta over here.

Just in case you have an hour and prefer to watch, here’s the video:

Stay Updated on Algorithm Updates

Traffic plummeted? Wondering if there was a Google algorithm update that smacked you on the head?

Algoroo is a tool that tracks Google algorithm changes by observing turbulence in rankings of thousands of keywords. When the bar is high, it’s likely that Google has made a tweak to their algorithm.

Hat tip to Francisco Perez.

Another free tool to use to find out if your particular site was hit by a Google penalty is Fruition.net.

You’ll need to connect your Google Analytics account to use the tool, and once it’s done, Fruition will analyze any sudden dips in your traffic, thus helping you to understand what might be going on with search engine traffic.

Speaking of which, it does look like Traffic Generation Café was hit by the latest Penguin 2.0.

So much for NOT doing any intentional link building, which is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past year of so. Oh well…

With Google throwing a fit again, YOU are my only shot at being heard.

I mean it.

If you like what you read at Traffic Generation Café, please help me spread the word.

  • mention Traffic Generation Café in your blog posts;
  • join my Triberr tribe and share my posts with your followers automatically;
  • add me to your circles on Google+;
  • like me on Facebook;
  • and give my posts Traffic Generation Café on all those social networks!


Search Result Changes for Smartphones

Google plans to roll out several ranking changes in the near future that address sites that are misconfigured for smartphone users.

This is not exactly something I can give you a skinny on – you have to go get it yourself here.

George Bush is a Miserable Failure Again

It seems unfair that so many of us struggle to rank on Google, yet George Bush has no problem at all showing up for “miserable failure” search; this time in Google’s Knowledge Graph:

If you don’t know the background on this Google bomb, take a look at this Search Engine Land post.

Social Media

Google+ Business Dashboard

Google+ Dashboard is the new feature for business pages that allows businesses to unite and simplify information overview across all Google services.

After signing in to your Google+ page, you’ll now have access to the following Dashboard features:

1) The ability to update your info (like website URLs, store hours and phone numbers) across Maps, Search and Google+ – all from the Overview tab.

2) One place to monitor your Google+ notifications, assign page managers, share photos and videos – even start a Hangout with followers.

Local businesses will also enjoy:

3) At-a-glance access to their AdWords Express and Offers campaigns.

4) Insights that include top searches for their business, top locations requesting driving directions, and performance data for their Google+ posts.

To start using Google+ Dashboard, simply sign in to Google+ as your page, then click the “Dashboard” icon in the navigation menu.

Meet Facebook Hashtags

Facebook posted today about the new hashtag support with an overview, saying:

Starting today, hashtags will be clickable on Facebook. Similar to other services like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Pinterest, hashtags on Facebook allow you to add context to a post or indicate that it is part of a larger discussion. When you click on a hashtag in Facebook, you’ll see a feed of what other people and Pages are saying about that event or topic.

Now you can:

  • Search for a specific hashtag from your search bar. For example, #NBAFinals.
  • Click on hashtags that originate on other services, such as Instagram.
  • Compose posts directly from the hashtag feed and search results.

Hillary on Twitter

That’s what Hillary Clinton tweeted from her long-locked and dormant Twitter account.

Clinton’s tweet referred to Adam Smith and Stacy Lambe — the pair who created the popular “Texts from Hillary” Tumblr meme that went viral in April 2012. The meme enjoyed widespread media coverage, and the creators even met with Clinton personally, where they both agreed to close down their popular blog.

Hillary’s first tweet launched a new hashtag #tweetsfromhillary — suggesting that the Clinton team believes that the Tumblr meme can still catch fire on Twitter. (story source)

As you can imagine, reactions to her one tweet abound, including her adoring (?) loyal (?) husband:

One thing for sure: she does have a great bio… Now added to my wickedly awesome list of funny Twitter bios!

Myspace Alive and Kicking

Myspace announced that it is bringing its recently redesigned service out of beta, as well as launching a new mobile app for iOS.

Wowsers… Any takers?

Marketing This and That

“PRISM” Program Declassified

In last week’s Marketing Skinny, I reported on a news story of U.S. Government “spying” on its citizens by using the server data of the nine largest internet companies.

This week, the United States government has declassified details of its “PRISM” program, saying it is not a wide-spread data mining system and doesn’t “unilaterally” pull information off tech company servers.

“PRISM” fact sheet was released accompanied by the following statement from the US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper:

Over the last week we have seen reckless disclosures of intelligence community measures used to keep Americans safe. In a rush to publish, media outlets have not given the full context–including the extent to which these programs are overseen by all three branches of government–to these effective tools.

Story source.

Furthermore, NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, a former technical assistant for the CIA, revealed himself as the leak for the original stories.

I am curious: what’s your take on the story?

Google Buys Waze

According to Waze website,

Waze is the world’s fastest-growing community-based traffic and navigation app. Join other drivers in your area who share real-time traffic and road info, saving everyone time and gas money on their daily commute.

And it’s now a part of Google Maps.

Yahoo! Will Reset Inactive Email Addresses

Yahoo announced that it is freeing up Yahoo IDs (and email addresses) that have been inactive for at least a year, and resetting them.

What this means is that users will be able to get simple addresses like albert@yahoo.com instead of albert9330399@yahoo.com.

Not sure EXACTLY how this works, but here’s what Yahoo! official post says:

In mid July, anyone can have a shot at scoring the Yahoo! ID they want. In mid August, users who staked a claim on certain IDs can come to Yahoo! to discover which one they got.

What if you haven’t logged into Yahoo! for over a year, but want to keep your Yahoo! ID? It’s easy. All you have to do is log on to any Yahoo! product before July 15th.

Thank You

To all of you who mentioned Traffic Generation Café in any share or form in the past week, my whole-hearted THANK YOU.

Traffic Generation Café would NOT be what it is today without you.

Here are just some of the mentions I came across in the past week:

Pivots, pirouettes and backflips – Informly May monthly report – Dan Norris at inform.ly

10 Essential Leadership Qualities of Successful Webmasters – Carole at the-best-websites.co.uk

MYF Approved weekly June 11: Google plus tips, guest blogging, and Google author rank – Iain Robson at marketingyourfarm.com

Traffic Generation Strategies with Ti Roberts “The SEO Rebel” – Ryan Eisenhower at manifestincome.com

Your Guest Blogging Strategy Sucks: 5 Ways To Tweak Yourself Out Of This Rut – Lanre Solarin at tweakyourbiz.com

Weekly Roundup Vlog – Wow, Did I Really Do All That? – Victoria at mydailycuppa.com

Thesis vs. Genesis – It’s All About the Cup Holders – Brian Fourman at luke1428.com

Also, a huge THANK YOU to my Triberr “Other People’s Influence” Automatic tribe for sharing my newly published posts with your Twitter followers.

These awesome folks automatically share Traffic Generation Café blog posts via Triberr, helping me reach more people than I could ever reach on my own while providing their Twitter followers with quality content and, by doing that, commanding respect in their respective niches AND getting even more followers as a result.

Win-win, I’d say.

If you’d like to join my tribe, we’d love to have you. Just click on the banner to go to Triberr.

Want to learn about Triberr? Read this post:

Triberr: Your Step by Step Guide to Being Heard

Have I missed your mention? Let me know in the comments!

Want to see your name here? Mention Traffic Generation Café in your next blog post!

To an even better next week,