Weekly Marketing Skinny • January 23, 2016

Posted on the 23 January 2016 by Ana Hoffman @AnaTrafficCafe

Don’t have the time to read all the marketing news, blog posts, announcements, and other content related to SEO/social media/online marketing published each week?

I’ve got you covered.

I sift through trillions (well, hundreds) of online publications to stay on top of marketing news that might affect your online business.

And I package them neatly in bite-sized chunks in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies right here at Traffic Generation Café every Saturday morning.

Between you and me, I have no idea why I bother investing hours of my time weekly reading all these marketing news just to boil them down for you in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, other than the fact that I know you don’t have the time to keep up with the fast-paced marketing industry on your own, yet you DO need to be in-the-know to remain competitive.

Plus, your enthusiastic comments and social media shares show me just how much you truly appreciate being kept in the marketing loop in just a few minutes per week.

If you appreciate what I do, share this Marketing Skinny: Tweet Pin Share4 +1Total Shares 4


Now grab your cup of coffee and let’s catch up on the marketing news that matter to your business.

Let’s start with the news from Traffic Generation Café.

At TrafficGenerationCafe.com

I know, I know… It’s been awhile since the last Weekly Marketing Skinny…

But who could’ve said no to three weeks in pajamas, right?

So I took a little (long) break. Spent some time with my husband and daughter. Recharged. (Hope you did as well!)

Now it’s time to get down to business.

How to Make Your Tweets More Visible [Twitter Traffic Hack]

Twitter timeline is both a blessing and a curse.

On the one hand, it’s raw, unabridged, always moving and shaking – we love it how it keeps us on our toes.

On the other hand, it’s raw, unabridged, always moving and shaking – it’s not easy to grab someone’s attention.

Here’s my personal Twitter Traffic Hack to combat the problem of Twitter visibility:

Tweet in Blocks.

(don’t have the time to read it right now? PIN IT FOR LATER.)

How Lovers Get More Traffic with This Simple Influencer Marketing Strategy

Influencer marketing makes sense… in theory.

However, taking it to YOUR business and making it work for YOUR message, product, or service is a completely different story.

In this post, Jonathan Spektor will show you how his wife Elissa took just one of the influencer marketing strategies and applied it to her jewelry business – with LOVE.

(don’t have the time to read it right now? PIN IT FOR LATER.)

How Blogging Can Increase Your Lead Generation by 67% 

As I was updating this post yesterday, I marveled at the stats in it.

I bet a lot of it is still true today: blogging could certainly be the cornerstone of any business when done well.

You’ll definitely have to take a look at it and let me know what you think.

(don’t have the time to read it right now? PIN IT FOR LATER.)


Google Panda is now part of Google’s core ranking algorithm (as opposed to being a spam filter.)

Google announced the newly redesigned Webmasters website.

Google says you shouldn’t trust all SEO Weather Tools.

How long should a blog post be? According to Google, a low word count does not equal low-quality content.

That may be true, however: this study shows that quality backlinks and comprehensive content are still biggest factors in Google rankings.

Social Media

Facebook might’ve actually done something to INCREASE your Page organic reach… for a change. It launched ‘Audience Optimization’ tool to help you self-moderate how visible your page content might be in your fans’ Newsfeeds.

There are also a few new photo upload options for Facebook Page Admins.

This might be a shot at Twitter, the real-time hub for anything sports-related: Facebook launched Sports Stadium, a hub for chatting about the game in real time.

Twitter share counts are officially dead; here a couple of alternatives.

This is how badly Twitter wants developers to come back: Twitter takes its #HelloWorld campaign on the road to win over developers.

I didn’t know that… How to learn what’s being pinned from your site [PINTEREST HACK].

New YouTube feature: You can now auto loop your favorite YouTube videos natively.

A great way to repurpose a YouTube video as a SlideShare presentation: simply add a cover slide (you can use your video thumbnail to make things even easier), then embed YT in the next slide. Example.

Podcasters, rejoice: the Periscope of Podcasting, ZCast, launched on iOS.

Speaking of Periscope: iOS users will now see Periscope broadcasts right within their Twitter timelines – no app required.

There’s a new social media network (whoopty doo!) – Peach. Nothing special, if you ask me. Not a bad idea to secure your name though. And if you are really into it, here are a few things you should know.

This fun study breaks down “The Perfect Profile Photo” – it’s nice not to be in complete darkness as to what works and what doesn’t.

Marketing This & That

Good to know: new organization features in Google Drive.

Introducing Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2015… => 😂 <= Yep, you saw it right.

Neat and helpful (especially to those of you stuck in winter storms on the East Coast!): prepare for the next storm with a new weather experience on Android.

Running low on printer ink? Your printer will order it for you.

It’s official… More people died from taking selfies in 2015 than from shark attacks!

Thank You

To all of you who mentioned Traffic Generation Café in any shape or form in the past week, my whole-hearted THANK YOU.

Traffic Generation Café would NOT be what it is today without you.

And I am not the only one who thinks that, by the way.

Take a look at the comment Kurt Frankenberg of Shoestring101.com (one of my favorite blogs, by the way) left on a recent Weekly Marketing Skinny:

Here are just some of the mentions I came across in the past few weeks during and since the holidays:

Interview: Ana Hoffman of TrafficGenerationCafe.com on How to Drive Oodles of Visitors to Your Art Website – Martin Stellar at martinstellar.com

43 Experts Reveal How To Generate Leads Through Creating Contagious (Viral) Content – Bill Acholla at billacholla.com

40 Online Marketing Strategies Experts Recommend for 2016 – Barrie Smith at searchenginepeople.com

The Top Twenty Content Marketing Influencers You MUST Know – Tanya McGinnity at onboardly.com

50 Blogs That’ll Help You Become a Better Blogger in 2016 – Julian Sakanee at bloggingaid.com

Traffic Generation Strategy: Drive Blog Traffic Like a Boss – Julian Sakanee at bloggingaid.com

10 Personal Mottos and Mission Statements – Sandra Young at smallbizapalooza.com

The Best Digital Marketing Content of 2015 – Neil Sheth at onlywayonline.com

The No-Nonsense ‘Make Money With Your Blog’ Primer – Sue Anne Dunlevie at beabetterblogger.com

101 Online Marketing Resources For Small Businesses – Campbell Adeyinka at designswaggs.com

Want To Boost Sales On Social Media? 20 Successful Entrepreneurs Share Their Top Advice – Tor Refsland at flightmedia.co

How To Get Featured On 85 Blogs In 12 Months – Blogger Outreach Strategy – Tor Refsland at timemanagementchef.com

Have I missed your mention? Let me know in the comments!

Want to see your name here? Mention Traffic Generation Café in your next blog post!

Subscribe to Stay Ahead

I share a lot of marketing news as well as the best posts I read throughout a week on my Google+ profile.

To read them as they come out and stay ahead of your competition, as well as become a social media star and share the best with YOUR followers (you’d be surprised how much it’ll do for your credibility and online presence!), join me there:

You can also subscribe to my G+ feed through your RSS reader of choice; just add the following link like with any normal blog RSS feed: http://tgcafe.it/anahoffman-gplus-feed

To an even better next week,