Weekly Food Diary | A Desert Adventure & A Whole Lotta Juicing

By Goodbadandfab @goodbadandfab

This week's food diary features a fab cooking experience with Miele, an epic desert adventure with Vogue and Simon Outlets, and star sightings in Beverly Hills!
I'm taking full advantage of the small window of opportunity to be as active as I can before the last stretch of pregnancy shuts me down completely! Everyday the baby kicks are getting stronger and sometimes quite painful as they reach as high as my ribs and as long as my bladder as he's constantly reminding me of his eminent arrival. With my fridge stocked with pressed juices and kombucha, this week, I'm focusing on balancing healthy eats with the usual blend of indulgences.
{Monday} 11am: Half of a Whole Foods bran muffin and Juice Served Here Jinja Greens. The juice is choked full of greens like spinach, romaine, and kale while the lemon and ginger gives it a tangy and spicy kick. It's one of my favorite green juices!
4pm: Apple and a few pieces of Manchego cheese 5pm: Health-Ade Kombucha in my favorite flavor, The Original. I've read reports speculating on the health risks of drinking kombucha during pregnancy due to its trace alcohol content and fermentation process. Since there's really no definitive reports from medical authorities saying no to the drink, I've decided to drink it in moderation. I mean, the French drink a glass of wine a night while pregnant so I think I'm okay.