Weekend Watching: My Favorite Beauty Vloggers

By Eula @omgaeula

Happy long weekend Philippines! I know many of you are using it to catch up on work and chores, but for the lucky few who have nothing to do, or are just looking to procrastinate, here's a roundup of my favorite YouTube beauty vloggers (ohhh, that term is so awkward but so appropriate).
I used to favor written blog posts over videos because it takes sooo long for vids to load. But I've come to appreciate seeing a product in action, how the light reflects off it, its heft in a human hand.
These people are my favorites because they:
  1. are very articulate, i.e. coherent with few pauses. Even if they're filming in their bathroom or on their living room floor, their fluency gives a sense of professionalism to the video.
  2. give comprehensive reviews, or post tutorials that can apply to many skin types and face shapes.
  3. review a variety of products, from department store to drug store.
  4. upload their videos in high-quality. Pixelly videos make the bb Jesus cry.

The Enthusiasts

These lovely ladies give the consumer's point of view on makeup -- how or why they chose a certain item, what's the buzz on new releases. Watching them is like gossiping with a good friend.

Jen (frmheadtotoe)

Jen has an enthusiasm that comes across as very genuine. Not only does she cover high-end and mid-range brands, but she also reviews Korean and Japanese products. Plus we have the same eye shape so she's my go-to girl for eye tutorials.
What got me hooked: any of her eyeshadow tutorials! Here's a favorite: Everyday Monolid Makeup Tutorial. I don't do my eyes as smokey or eyeliner-y as hers but after spending a night watching her tutorials it was suddenly super easy to apply eye shadow.

Emily Noel (emilynoel83)

Emily has an impressive collection of makeup. I like her no-nonsense reviews in which she actually recommends which items give you bang for your buck. Also she looks like and Melanie Lynskey's older sister and has the cutest prairie drawl.
What got me hooked: The Balm Instain Blush Review. Super comprehensive review of all the shades in this line, their finishes, and which shade would complement which skin tone.

Gregory Gorgeous (GregoryGorgeous)

This ~gal is all entertainment. I don't even watch her for the reviews, but for her storytelling skills.
What got me hooked: Huge Drugstore Haul. She is so chatty and arte I find myself with a deer in the headlights look when watching her. But also, hilarious. "I'm PMSing," lol. And who hasn't heard of Vidal Sasson, what?

The Pros

These gurus are able to draw from their experience as makeup artists to give amazing tips for all skin types and shades.

Dustin Hunter (dustyohunter)

This guy I actually saw on Carina's blog. I love Dustin's dry sense of humor. His reviews are pretty comprehensive, he talks about a variety of complexions, and his demos give excellent ideas on how to use the products.
What got me hooked: Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powders: Review/Demo. Excellent review on all shades of this hyped-up product. Even if I don't plan on buying the ambient powders, this was a pleasure to watch. Another notable video is BB Cream, CC Cream or Tinted Moisturizer? which I am now linking to whenever someone asks me about BB cream.

Wayne Goss (gossmakeupartist / gossmakeupchat)

I love how practical his tips are, from the basic blush application (not always on the apples of your cheeks) to the more complicated concealing vs. correcting. It's like watching a makeup artistry course!
What got me hooked: Celebrity Makeup Mistakes.

Lisa Eldridge (lisaeldridgedotcom)

Ah yes, the iconic Lisa Eldridge. Based in the UK, she gives a unique perspective in terms of brands and makeup trends. She exudes a quiet sophistication in the way she speaks, the way she holds herself, the way she applies makeup. I could listen to her read a telephone directory.
What got me hooked: My Skincare - Part One. I actually watch her more for her skincare videos than her makeup ones, because those don't really apply to my skin tone and my facial structure.
Who are your favorite beauty vloggers?
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