Weekend Wanders

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

And once again it’s Monday. Where the weekend goes is anyone’s guess, but this time round I think mine was quite busy. Oh, and the sun shone!

Saturday saw that busiest of mornings – the lie in and read the paper sort – with no one else at home (except Keira, the dog) ‘pyjamas ’til lunchtime‘ was the order of the day, for the second day on the trot (I was working from home on Friday, thus PJs, slippers and coffee was all the rage). When I finally got my lazy behind into gear it was time to walk the dog. It was definitely a case of making the most of the distinctly non-autumnal weather, so Keira and I went up the path that goes beside the River Almond.

Over the course of our four mile wander we encountered two rabbits, a squirrel, a dozen or so planes (the end of Edinburgh Airport’s runway is near a bend of the river) and a pair of pheasants. Both my arm and the lead were definitely a little stretched by the end of it, and Keira was in a mood because I wouldn’t let her chase the pheasants across the harvested wheat fields.

Having spent Sunday morning doing dull domestic things and attempting my first ever baking that involved yeast, dog walking time was a spot of light relief. We just took her up Costorphine Hill (it being nearby), but our laziness paid off as we discovered some fantastic bramble/blackberry bushes – watch this space for a jam making session soon – and some equally wonderful views.

But alas – at time of writing – it’s Sunday evening, I’m full of gammon, apple crumble and red wine, and it’s time for Downton Abbey; the weekend is almost at an end. Looking on the bright side though, I’ve got lots of freshly made cinnamon buns to eat and a four day week as I’m off to Yorkshire on Friday morning. Win.
