Weekend Update

By Wardrobeoxygen

Friday night Karl and I went to bed before the sun set. My body woke me at 6am, I got up, brushed my teeth, stretched some… and then went back to bed until Emerson came in to wake us around 7:30.
We got up, Karl went off to teach and Emerson and I had our Saturday morning routine. We ate oatmeal and blueberries, she watched Veggie Tales (girl LOVES this show, more than any other show or movie, not even sure where she saw it for the first time), I read my crappy but addictive book (above and review soon). I gave her a new glitter tattoo (she wanted to look like Daddy).
We went to Emerson’s dance class. She showed off her tattoo, I chatted with the great parents of her classmates, she listened to her teacher and learned new things. I’m really glad they all signed up for the summer, it’s a nice group of kids that get along so well, and we parents get along too.
We then went to Starbucks. I usually get coffee, but I had accrued 12 stars on my Starbucks app so got a free drink and splurged on a Caramel Light Frappucinno. Emerson had her standard pink cake pop and cup of water.  We chatted about class and what she wanted to do that weekend.
We came home, Emerson changed into play clothes, and I headed out for some time alone. Finally got my hair cut and colored (first cut since the disaster cut), then went and got my brows waxed. Sitting all foiled, I read People and Us Weekly and all kinds of junk I normally don’t read.
Karl grilled salmon and made massaged kale salad for an early dinner. Emerson started yawning at 6pm so we went up early for a bath and bedtime. Karl and I snuggled on the couch and started watching Sherlock but I started getting sleepy around 8:30 so we went upstairs and read in bed and I was asleep before 9:30.
Sunday, we spent time with friends and family, I went to the farmer’s market for the first time this season and even got in a 30 minute power nap later in the day.
I’m feeling better, and I am so thankful to all of you. Your sweet words, advice, personal stories have truly helped and I know I am not alone. I truly love you guys, and feel so blessed that we have connected through this blog. Thank you.
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