Weekend Roundup|Strawberry Summer Fun

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

To commemorate the first day of summer I wanted reinstate my Weekend Round feature. If you recall I created weekend roundup to share candid moments of my life with you. Additionally it is my goal to feature a summer fruit and corresponding recipe each Monday. I’m hoping to stick to this motif and schedule but don’t hold it against me if I miss a Monday or two :)

As you know I am obsessed with strawberries and made it my aim to round up the crew for our annual Strawberry Picking extravaganza at Gro-Moore Farms in Rush, NY. The weather was  less than stellar throughout spring and we got a lot of rain. As a result, the strawberry season is shorter and not as impressive as it has been in years past. Still we were determined to fill our baskets with nature’s candy. I love picking fruit in its natural habitat. It helps me appreciate the beauty of Jehovah’s creation as well as bond with friends and family. It’s nice to connect with the earth and remind ourselves that food is grown on plants and trees and not in packages at the local grocery store.

Check out the video above and leave a comment about what you plan to do this summer.