Weekend Recap for 11/9-11/13, Part 1 {Michigan}
By Hpranitis
I had a fabulous time last week on vacation. It was great to getaway and
have some fun. My trip was in two parts: Michigan and Illinois. To be more
specific I spent a couple days with my Dad in Brighton (and a few hours with my
Step-mom - she returned from a business trip the night before I left) and
Chicago and suburbs with friends. Mind you I have a good number of family in
Chicagoland and I went in "stealth". Well, not really but, I didn't
see any family. Plus, I couldn't fit everyone in.
First, let me just say that I haven't seen my Dad in awhile (couple of
years) and it was great to see him and spend some quality time with him. Thanks
Dad for a fun visit! I arrived Wednesday evening (last week) and we headed to a
great Italian restaurant for dinner and some vino. We talked and got caught up.
And of course the talk continued when got home. The house is on top of a big
hill and most notable was the red front door! Obviously, you can tell that it
was my first visit to his new house in Michigan. Dad and I had fun catching up
and talking about everything and anything.
Oh, I can't forget that I was upgraded to First Class! Can I get a
"woo-hoo"! It made for a great flight. Great! There was no Internet
service and that meant no writing and no blogging. However, I watched The
Expendables (yes, again) and read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and let me
just say this is a fabulous book! It's a definite must read and it is
a bit intense. Loved it.
On Thursday Dad and I headed to the Walter P. Chrysler Museum. I did a lot
of pictures, check out the highlights here. Then we headed back to the airport to pick-up Gail, my step-mom, from her very long business trip. We had a great (or at least I thought) dinner at a fun restaurant they frequent when she returns from a trip. It was really neat to see my Dad and Gail interact and go through their routine. It's not every day that I get to see both of them in their "element" if you will. You see I live in Phoenix and they live in Michigan. So, it's pretty cool. Anyhow, I stayed up way to late. Selected my clothes for Friday travel to Chicago and my fun day downtown. However, my 1 a.m. bedtime was never came. You see someone (me) got a terrible upset stomach and I didn't sleep. Needless to say I never got to sleep and I had to wake my Dad up for him to take me to the hospital. Not fun at all. NO it really wasn't. It's not real fun to have to wake up your Dad at 6 a.m. to tell him that he needs to take you to the hospital. Well, we were within 10 minutes, Gail too. And wouldn't you know on the way to the hospital my pain started to subside...how embarrassing. We still went and I got all checked out and I was good to go about an hour later. I was a bit de-hydrated and I got some wonderful anti-nausea medicine and a discussion with the doctor about going to a G.I. specialist when I go home. Hmmm... And to think I still made my flight in time for Chicago.
First, let me say that I've been being with some stress and that with the combination of "possible" bad sea scallops might have been the problem. You see I knew there was a problem when my symptoms were very similar to those that experienced many years ago when I had a case of food poisoning. Let's just say I had to give my Dad and Step-Mom an event-filled few days so that my "visit" was quite memorable! I'm trying to be a funny, just a bit. I am still so embarrassed that I had to wake my Dad up at 6 a.m. for this but, oh well, I did! Moving on. Overall, it was a fun visit with my Dad minus the hospital visit of course.
Check back for Part 2.