Weekend Realizations

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Pictures tell a story way better than my writing (well, guess it depends on the story – if I’m writing about poop or bodily fluids, better to use words). So, here are some scenes from our weekend in Richmond where we participated in the very special Speak Up 5K.

We flew Southwest. I took this picture over Atlanta. If I didn’t make so much money blogging, I’d be a professional photographer (with my iPhone of course). The part about making so much money blogging was a really, really major joke. So is the part about being a photographer.

I like Southwest because I like free baggage check and peanuts. I also like it when they forget to charge me for my beer. The flight attendants are generally nice and upbeat instead of rude and bossy. What I am beginning to NOT like is how every safety demonstration has become a dog and pony show. “Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the aircraft. If you want to smoke, we have a special place for you reserved on the wing” etc etc. And, it goes on forever! And it’s not that funny at 6am!  I used to think it was funny, but now it’s just getting kind of old.  Or maybe I am just getting kind of old.

Only good friends ask you to flip them off with the toe finger 5 seconds after you get to your hotel.

It is possible to still really like each other after almost 20 years of marriage. This is a picture on the street in Richmond where we met (moments later we got hit by a car). Please do not vomit because of how cute this is:

Beer/wine at 10am is totally acceptable while on vacation:

I nearly die running in humidity. I don’t know how you tough asses do it:

A 5K can unite people (3,000 people showed up):

A 5K can bring meaning to a cause (in this case, bringing awareness to teenage depression):

A 5K can honor an incredible girl:

A 5K can be so, so much more than running (a quote in Cameron’s own handwriting, found on the course):

A 5K can bring joy despite so much hardship (This is Cameron’s dad at the race laughing and hugging his daughter):

It’s good to lay in bed and laugh until you pee – sorry to Erika’s polka dot blanket (and I’m not kidding about the pee thing. I really must be getting old):

This weekend confirmed for me the power of being around positive people who see life as an opportunity for change, risk, growth and progress. As I age, I know how important it is to be picky about the company you keep. If you want to be interesting, hang around interesting people. If you want to be inspired, hang around inspiring people. Don’t settle.

RIP Cameron.