Weekend Reading: Men and Relationships Special

By Kristin Davin @kristindavin

This week’s selections have special focus on guys. Lots of fascinating insights…

Who Is More Likely to Leave a Bad Relationship? (By Elizabeth Aura McClintock, Ph.D.; Psychology Today). The answer matters more than you probably realize.

Men’s Memories Worse Than Women’s, Especially With Age (By Sandee LaMotte; CNN). Not good news for men! But all isn’t lost—there’s plenty you can do to boost your brain power.

Why Breakups Are Actually Harder on Men (By Elizabeth Aura McClintock, Ph.D.; Psychology Today). The emotional support that men lose with divorce tends to affect their health and well-being more deeply than women.

What Couples Really Fight About (By John and Julie Gottman; Huffington Post). The answer actually doesn’t matter—it’s what you do after the fight that counts. This is must-read advice!

The Bad Relationship Habits That Kill Romance and Jeopardize Long-Term Love (By Anna Brech; Stylist.co.uk). Good news: You can fix every single one.

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