Addiction affects people from all walks of life—including your own.
Aging Baby Boomers Bring Drug Habits Into Middle Age (By Zusha Elinson; One person’s story of how the past became his present.
Women, Intimate Relationships, and Addiction Relapse (By Robert Weiss; Psychology Today) Why sex can make staying sober so much more difficult.
“Drunkorexia:” The New Craze Among Middle-Aged Women (By Elizabeth Chabner Thompson, M.D.; Everyday Health) More women than ever are restricting their food intake so they can drink more.
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think (By Johann Hari; Huffington Post) Simply a must-read. Then tell me what you think!
Facebook’ Addiction Activates Same Brain Areas As Drugs; How Social Media Sites Hook You In (By Stephanie Castillo; Medical Daily) Why it might be time for a “digital detox.”
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