Weekend Odds and Ends

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0
A few quick items for today:
  • My ten year old son and his friend started a sports and autograph blog (like father like son) and I will be forever indebted to you all if you could give it a quick visit (they follow their traffic very closely), become a follower or even leave a comment. You can access it here. 
  • On Friday, I was fortunate enough to be on Fine Gardening's "Photo of the Day" blog as their featured garden of the day. If you want to take a look, you can check it out here. Fortunately, I'm still fooling everyone into believing my garden look great. The beauty of photography.
  • Every morning, when I leave for work and walk out of my garage, I stare directly into my Miscanthus 'Morning Light'. It puts a smile on my face throughout the seasons. Here is what I saw recently as the fog was slowly starting to lift in the early morning behind the Miscanthus:                

Good times.
Enjoy the weekend.