Weekend Links

Posted on the 07 May 2011 by Livinggreenor

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington

Below are some of my favorite posts from the week.  If you have any articles or links you’d like to add, please do so.  I always enjoy a good read.  Thanks, and happy browsing!


1  ::  Tutorial: Quick & Easy Coffee Cozy (or Sleeve) from a Repurposed Sweater {every nothing wonderful}

2  ::  Sew Your Own iPod Cover {go gingham}


3  ::  Eco-friendly Eggshell Seed Starters! {eat.drink.better}

4  ::  Organic Fruit & Veggie House! (Cool) {eat.drink.better}

Thought Provoking

5  ::  The Small-Scale Approach to Achieving Great Things {zenhabits}

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

6  ::  5 Recycled and Repurposed Laundry Room Organizers {condo blues}

Food Justice

7  ::  Maybe Think Twice before Buying Strawberries from California {eat.drink.better}

8  ::  Fishing For Plastic To Save Our Seas {psfk}