Weekend Links

Posted on the 17 April 2011 by Livinggreenor

Anchorage, Alaska Sunset -- My last visit (April 2004)

Below are some of my favorite posts from the week.  If you’re ever wondering why the list is so long (trust me, I do), I subscribe to over 100 blogs and newsletters.  I think that’s a lot, but I enjoy the reading, diversity and anything to keep my mind learning, well, it’s a small sacrifice.  I don’t get the daily paper (does anyone anymore?), I start my day by grabbing my morning tea and reading through my RSS feeds (I only started a week or so ago with RSS feeds, I’m now addicted).  I skim through my emails, check Twitter then Facebook and by then well over an hour has passed (at least).  Thank goodness for a well insulated coffee thermos!

If you have any articles or links you’d like to add, please do so.  I always enjoy a good read.  Thanks, and happy browsing!


1  ::  Molly’s Sketchbook: Fathers Day Tie {the purl bee}

2  ::  DIY Friday {oh, hello friend}

3  ::  28 Earth Day Activities for Kids and Printable Crafts {tip junkie}


4  ::  From Farm to Table {new urban habitat}

5  ::  In the Kitchen With: Catherine Taret’s Crepes Party {design*sponge}

6  ::  Monday Mission: Make a Frugal Meals List {kitchen stewardship}

7  ::  After School Snacks {go gingham}

8  ::  How to Join the No-to-GMOs Movement {eat.drink.better}

9  ::  Pasta e Fagioli {local kitchen}


10  ::  Clever Plant Container Ideas {the micro gardener}

11  ::  5 Tips for Starting a Neighborhood Tool Share Program {re-nest}

12  ::  Balcony Garden: Epic Places in Small Spaces {eat.drink.better}

13  ::  Enjoy a Green Landscape with these Six Sustainable Strategies {1-800-recycling.com}

14  ::  Repurposed Container Gardens – Turn Trash Into Treasure {the micro gardener}

Green Design & Inspiration

15  ::  A Case for Open Storage {apartment therapy}

Health & Wellness

16  ::  3-Step Spring Cleaning… For Your Face! {crunchy betty}

17  ::  16 Energy Boosters that Won’t Leave You Depleted {simple mom}

Thought Provoking

18  ::  How Do You Inspire Change? {upcycled love}

19  ::  Is Green Ever Embarrassing? {the green phone booth!}

20  ::  Make the Middle Count {rowdy kittens}

21  ::  Life-Changing Decisions, Simplified {peace and projects}

22  ::  Our Earth Day Litter Tradition (and a Challenge for You) {green… your way}