Weekend Espresso :: Weird News Kind of Weekend

By Ventipop @ventipop

Chief among Ventipop's core beliefs is that when it comes down to bare bones, people are generally good. Or at the very least, they start out that way. So, every day, I seek out stories to validate that belief. During the search, I also find a lot of stories validating another Ventipop core belief; a lot of people are also really dumb. Hey, you can be both! In this edition of the Weekend Espresso, I feature a few of those dumb criminal stories, a weird new spider I don't even like to think about, a hotel in Sweden that'll get a rise out of you, an employer in China who makes you eat worms and ATTENTION FAMILY MEMBERS...I start my Christmas List. 

If a store runs out of shopping carts this holiday season, do NOT set the store of fire. If you do set the store on fire, do NOT stick around and take pictures of the fire. And one more thing about fire, Cheetos do not make the best accelerant. 

Before you go jumping in a pile of leaves, read this.

Time to bust out some pen and paper and start that Christmas List. The Audio Infuser 4700, the Gramophone for iPhone and the Rotary iPhone Dock would satisfy the audiophile in me.

Think you have it rough where you work? At least you don't work for this Chinese company that makes you eat live worms if you don't do your job well enough.

If you go on vacation in Sweden, make sure you get two hotels: One for you and one for your sourdough bread.

...The Last Drop

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.