Weekend: A Green Dress + Comments on Best of Sewing Blogs 2014

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

Have I told you about this green dress? Maddie, make a dress? How freaking surprising. I know… I know…

After the second failed attempt at matchy matchy, I picked a project I knew would succeed. Nothing fits me better than my sloper, so I turned to it for this dress. With a sweep measuring 50 inches, this baby swings back and forth sinuously. And as I walk, it’s so fluid. You can’t help but feel feminine when that happends.

Even though it’s a simple silhouette and a part of me feels like I’m cheating, I really like it. As I look back at the things I’ve made, I’m slowly developing my formula – a simple cut plus standout fabric. Don’t let the simplicity of the dress fool you. I definitely learned a lot of new techniques from it, one involving grain perfection and The Bishop Method of Sewing. Stay tuned for much more on this make!

Onto another subject… I want to thank everyone for their feedback and support on the best of sewing blog posts from earlier this week. Because of your reposts, retweets, and likes, I accomplished exactly what I wanted – to open up the world of sewing and introduce novice and seasoned seamstresses to new blogs as well as reward the winners. I received a lot of comments about the results being biased and I want to clarify that none of the winners were chosen by me. It was based on the responses of the people who wrote back with their top choices. Sure, you could say that it was skewed because I emailed only the blogs/bloggers that I follow, but that was not my intention and I tried to make it as objective as possible. One reader suggested that I open the submissions to everyone next year (you bet there will be a post in 2015!) Great idea! So, this December, I’ll ask you to email me your favorite blogs/bloggers to all the categories in this year’s round up as well as many more. So many suggested new ones like the best pattern making blog, best plus size sewing blog, etc.