
By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

about knowing my boundaries. I’ve avoided, or at least I think I have, a sewing slump because I take great effort to know my limits and back off from a burnout right before it hits. Just like a mad scientist who concocts potions in a lab for days on end, I can spend hours, even an entire weekend, cooped up in my apartment. On Sunday night when I finally crack open and emerge from my reclusive shell, I look at my phone and realize that I haven’t spoken to anyone since Friday. No one. But a person can only go full steam ahead for so long, everyone needs to slow down, and last weekend was my time to pull the throttle back from max speed to neutral. I made 5 garments in August, some unblogged, and I continued that same speed into September. But something happened a week ago – I came home from work and I wanted to attach a peter pan collar to my 3rd Japanese sewing dress, but I knew that if I forced myself to complete the last few construction steps, I’d be pooped. It was Wednesday night and the weekend’s forecast said both Saturday and Sunday were going to be a beautiful – thermometers truly hitting fall temperatures – and I didn’t want to spend it “trapped” in Chateau Madalynne. So that I wouldn’t be tempted, I left my sewing projects at work on Friday. Just like the idea of not having sweet or savory treats in the fridge/cupboards, I removed all temptation from my apartment. I felt like an addict as I experienced withdrawals on Saturday and Sunday, but rather that jitter around my apartment and languish about the work I wasn’t getting done, I savored the free time. And you know what, come Monday, I was back to my usual speed – full steam ahead!