Week One: Sleep

By Jayfletch22 @Jayfletch22
   I have finally decided to start getting my life in order. My emotions, and bitterness have been going out of control lately, and I neeeeed to get myself back. I feel like I lost myself to stress, anger, no confidence, and no sleep.
   I was so upset all the time. I was in a rut where I would go to school, go to work, eat food and then eventually go to sleep. Sprinkle some homework, studdying, and some hopeless thinking on top, and you got this bitter monster I had become.
Then, all of a sudden, I realized I was totally not myself anymore. I know, I know. Every college kid has to work, go to school, and try to make time for people, but it is really hard for me. I want to have time to create things and work on my blog, and cook. I finally came to the conclusion that I am an introvert, so I need my ME time to wind down. So without it, I felt like :

So I have been planning on working on myself. I have been thinking and researching things to do, try, and work on so that I can be truly happy.
Step one on my plan:
I seriously get 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night. It is terrible, because I go to bed sometime a little after midnight, and wake up at six.

Then on Monday during class, I am sleepy but ok. Same thing for Tuesday. On Wednesday, I start getting a little bitter, and impaitent, and then it all goes downhill. By Friday, I am about ready to have a nervous breakdown from being too over tired/overstressed. But if I slept more, things would be a lot better.
So for this week, I will sleep more, and hopefully that habit will stick.
Plus, I go shopping in my dreams. My dreams are much more fun than the real world. Do you suffer from lack of sleep?