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So the last few weeks I have been doing a week in the life of me, which has been kind of fun seeing what we have been up to all week long. It’s Saturday so time to check in on my week the last week. So here’s what I’ve been up to this Thanksgiving week.
Saturday November 23
I spent the day working. My husband was at work all day too. Nothing exciting here.
Sunday November 24
Another day spent working. I also started getting a headache that I couldn’t shake.
Monday November 25
I got up at my usual weekly 5 a.m. with my headache even worse. Not a fun way to start the day. But I had to get my daughter to school. Drove her to school and came back home and crashed on the couch trying to shake this headache. My husband got up to go to work. He took the car for the day so he drove our oldest to school. Then I had to get the little ones up for school. Brought my son to the bus stop. It was very cold waiting for the bus. My youngest and I came back home and cuddled up under a blanket on the couch. In all honesty that’s mostly how I spent the day. I had to work at night and was still nursing a headache. I took a shower and some ibuprofen and went to bed in hopes that this headache would finally be gone.
Tuesday November 26
Woke up still with this headache. It was getting harder to get through the week. Got my middle daughter off to the bus and came home to crash on the couch again. Got my oldest off to school and came home to wake up my son. He came out with his tooth. He had lost his first tooth during the night and neglected to tell anyone, silly boy.
Wednesday November 27
Woke up bright and early again finally without a headache. Got my middle daughter to the bus stop in the monsoon. Drove home through the park that my oldest has to walk through to get home from school and there was a huge puddle that was only going to get worse by the time she left school so I figured now I’m going to have to go get her from school instead of making her walk, err swim home.
Came home and did a little work before having to bring my husband to work. I left my oldest home getting ready for school and waking up her little siblings. I had to bring my husband to work a different way because I was concerned the other way might be flooded. There was an awful lot of traffic for before 7 a.m. I was really worried I was going to be pushing it close getting my oldest to school on time. I got back to get her and put the little ones in the car and bring my oldest to school. We made it on time then headed home and got my son ready for school. Put him on the bus and came back in to start doing the stuff I hadn’t done all week because of my headache.
Completely cleaned the living room and did laundry. Since it was a half day my son got home from school early. I then did some prep for a conference call I had later in the afternoon and wrote up a list of things I forgot to get at the grocery store the day before. Then I had to get my oldest from school early. Since my middle daughter was going to be there in 45 minutes I didn’t want to go home only to go back out so we went to the grocery store to get few things I needed and then to Moe’s for some chips and queso that I thought we’d have time to eat in the parking lot waiting for my middle daughter since everyone was complaining they were hungry. However, I got to the school parking lot my daughter gets dropped off at just as my daughter was pulling up. Then we went home for lunch and for me to write up some notes for my conference call. I put the baby down for a nap and then get everyone else situated and made my call. I was on the phone for about an hour. I was going to have to go pick my husband up from work, but someone gave him a ride. So I did more laundry and cleaning. I went to Subway to get dinner and did some work. Then I got started on my pie baking. I was up late chopping up vegetables for Thanksgiving.
Thursday November 28
Thanksgiving. Got up in the morning and started making my stuffing. Got my turkey ready and then spilled gravy master all over the floor so I had that lovely mess to clean up. Got it cleaned up and my turkey stuffed and in the oven early. Then I cleaned up the rest of my kitchen and hung around with the kids. We made a chain of thankfulness. We watched some of the Macy’s Day parade and then the Disney channel went on. I washed some towels and got ready for guests to start arriving. My husband came home from work and I started the sweet potatoes. Just as that was finishing up our neighbor came over. I finished cooking everything. The turkey came out beautiful. My husband carved it and we ate our dinner. Just as we were serving up the pie someone else came over to enjoy dessert with us. The timing for everything worked out perfect this year. We had a lot of great conversation and a really good time. I did have to work while we had guests over though, but it was still really nice. Once I was done working and the three younger kids were all in bed my husband and I went out to try to get some Black Friday deals.
Friday November 29
Got some really good shopping deals without the kids. My husband and I went to bed and got up the next morning before the kids surprisingly. They were up shortly after. We got everyone dressed and went out for breakfast which ended up being lunch because of the slow service at Denny’s. Then we went to The Christmas Tree Shop. We found a few things we needed there, but then headed to Walmart to get a few more things. Once we were done there we ended up at Target and then went out for dinner before going home so I could work and we could put up the Christmas tree. We got the tree up and decorated and then watched some TV while I was working. After everyone went to bed my husband and I ended the day with more shopping.
So that was our Thanksgiving week. What was your week like?