Week 3 on Nutrisystem | Results #NSNation #Spon

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

Nutrisystem Review

I hit a milestone this week! Find out how much I lost so far on Nutrisystem! 

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Nutrisystem. I received the Nutrisystem My Way Selects and the Fast Five products for free for the purpose of this review. The words and opinions are 100% mine.

Woo hoo! I hit a milestone this week with my weight loss thanks to Nutrisystem! 

Does Nutrisystem Work? 

Before I reveal how much I lost this week, let me tell you one reason why Nutrisystem works:
It doesn't make you feel like you're on a diet. You eat great food, and add in some foods from your grocery list. You're not being deprived of the tastes you love! 
My husband has commented on more than one occasion about how some of the bars or desserts are chocolate, and he has questioned how that possibly could help you make good decisions when it comes to food. 

Well, I don't feel like I'm being deprived. By making some of the nutritional bars and desserts and shakes chocolate or other sweet flavors, Nutrisystem has allowed me to enjoy the good stuff too! 

And it's not just the sweet foods that make a difference. Ever see Marie Osmond in the Nutrisystem commercials? She isn't kidding about the mac and cheese; the savory foods are delicious as well! Other than the flake cereal, I have yet to find a bland meal in my entire shipment of food! 

Answer this with a comment below: Do other diets make you feel deprived? 

If you're looking for a way to lose weight without feeling deprived, definitely give Nutrisystem a try! 

Learn more about the Fast Five and My Way Program in Nutrisystem's announcement here. 

This week I lost 4 lbs, for a total of 15 lbs lost so far! 
I'm really excited about this! Fifteen pounds is definitely an awesome milestone to reach just three weeks into the program. You know what else is cool? My BMI is dropping. I track my stats on the Nutrisystem Food Diary App on my phone, and since I started my BMI has dropped 2 pts. I'm looking forward to next week! Just 11 more pounds until I am in the 100s again. I haven't been there since before I was married 8 years ago. 

My Results on Nutrisystem

Starting Weight: 226 lbsWeek 1 Results: 218 lbs (-8 lbs)
Week 2 Results: 215 lbs (-3 lbs, -11 lbs total)
Week 3 Results: 211 lbs (-4 lbs, - 15 lbs total)

Interested in starting your own weight loss journey? Visit Nutrisystem.com or call 1-800-435-4074. 

Follow Me! 
Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages as ThePracticalMommy, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best.