Week 27: Hiccups and Break Dancing

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget , CC BY, via flickr

Remember the first flutters you experienced when you felt your baby move for the first time? Remember feeling all warm and fuzzy inside?
Yeah, I'm not feeling that these days.
Baby #3 has discovered hiccups, and he's just like his older brother with hiccups morning, noon, and night. It was cute the first few times, but now, not so much. Hiccups mean that his little head bounces up and down on my already battered bladder, and occasionally, they actually make me feel nauseous.
In other news, he has also begun practicing break dancing. Almost every night as I get into bed, my belly starts dancing in tidal waves across my abdomen. It feels as if the baby is doing the dance move where you spin on your head. He must have spun around at least five times one night, which I didn't think was possible at this point, but boy, did he sure love doing it. My husband didn't believe me until he put his hand on my belly to feel it happening.
There's only about 11 weeks left. I'm sure I'll get used to all of the moving once again...or maybe not.
Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best.