Week 2 at Lidl

By Ollypj @OllyPJ

It’s time to briefly look back at what I purchased during my second weekly food shop at Lidl, only a few days ago.

Week 2 at Lidl

Naturally, it’s going to begin with chocolate! As I mentioned last time; they position it so close to the entrance/exit that it’s almost impossible not to drop some in to your trolley! I chose to stray away from the Penguin and Rocky imitations of last time and while you can spot the obvious contender for a KitKat, the green pack contains something following in the footsteps of a Mars bar…

Having tried one of those bars over the weekend, I can confirm that they are indeed very caramelised but somehow ‘softer’ than the known brand. I’m not expect much from the Choc Attack bars but I do believe I’m already reducing my chocolate intake (if only by a small portion each day). Those chocolate biscuits look interesting, although I’m still currently working through the custard creams. I’d always assumed the term Digestive was exclusive to McVitie’s but I can’t imagine biting in to a bad chocolate biscuit.

Week 2 at Lidl

Elsewhere and, along with a line-up of common items, I was almost forced to try their ridge-cut crisps this week as they didn’t appear to have any of the type I purchased the week previously. They taste good to me but, in case you’re interested, they also had mixed packs of McCoy’s going for a reasonable price. I like their rice pudding and, well, when I saw a pack of two steak pies reduced, I thought it might make for an easy but filling meal one evening!

Week 2 at Lidl

From the bakery this time, I tried a couple of large chocolate muffins and I can attest that they were delicious. Quite ‘light’ in the middle and even more desirable than the pre-packed muffins (which they also sell, at a competitive price to their rivals).

I’m already looking forward to next week’s choice, whatever it may be!! :-)

A friend of mine gave me a book on baking for my birthday (I can’t believe I still haven’t written about that) and I’ve had an eye on a recipe in there for hot-cross buns. It looked a bit much when I was shopping for the ingredients and I also realised that I don’t know many people who are particularly keen on them… So, while I added a couple of items to my baking cupboard, I ended up buying a pack of four ‘luxury‘ buns (they also do a slightly cheaper set), which I’m set to devour on my own… Having opened the pack on Easter Sunday (and not a minute before), well, they have a good taste. They were sticky and soft without becoming messy.

I must write about the book(s) I’ve already received and to settle my intentions for my next baking project. I also bought a couple of sweet potatoes and I’ll report back on those efforts very soon.

Thanks for reading.