Wednesdsays Unplugged - Homemade Fishsticks

By Homesmsp @HomesMSP

NOTE: I spend my Wednesdays Unplugged from appointments. It's my day to stay home, enjoy cooking and welcome our kids and grandkids for dinner in the evening. We end our meal with quotes from the Norwegian 'Quote Cup' passed on to me from my grandmother. I share a quote and a recipe here each week, and sometimes some photos of family fun. I love trying new recipes...and love getting recipes you would like to share! 


"Worrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." ~ Unknown

We have been having such beautiful spring days this week! Yesterday I had to stop at the Edina Creamery for a neighborhood walk while enjoying my first cone of the season. I think they have the best homemade strawberry ice cream in the metro, very smooth... former owner told me the key was a smooth strawberry slurry PLUS strawberry chunks. I had to share a photo this week from a fun day at the zoo over spring break.


When I learned that our grandson loves fish sticks I decided I should try making some. This recipe is based on one I found at EatingWell. They were a hit... our son-in-law even asked to take some home!


  • Cooking spray
  • 1 cup crushed cornflakes
  • 1 cup Panko breadcrumbs
  • 1 teaspoon lemon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1 - 1 1/2 pound cod, cut into 1/2 by 3-inch strips
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sweet relish

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Set a wire rack on a baking sheet; coat with cooking spray.

Place breadcrumbs, crushed cornflakes, lemon pepper, garlic powder, paprika and salt in a food processor and process until finelyground. Transfer to a shallow dish.

Place flour in a second shallow dish and eggs in a third shallow dish. Dredge each strip of fish in the flour, dip in the egg and then coat all sides with the breadcrumb mixture. Place on prepared rack.

Coat both sides of the breaded fish with cooking spray, and bake until the fish is cooked through and the breading is golden brown and crisp, about 20 minutes. Serve with homemade tartar sauce made from mixing mayonnaise and sweet relish.