#WednesdayWords – From Ex KTVA Alaska Reporter, Charlo Greene Who Quit Live on Air

Posted on the 24 September 2014 by Blackwomenstandup

BWSU recently posted the infamous video of Charlo Greene, Owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club who abruptly quit her news job live on air the other day.  The video has gone viral and everyone is talking about Charlo Greene and her cause of legalizing medical marijuana and decriminalizing it, or about the way she actually quit…either way #BlackWomenStandUp stands in support of Charlo for her courageous spirit of standing up for what she believes in no matter what, and for putting in the actual work to make her dream happen.

Update: Check out the video below of Charlo, and hear what she had to say on why she quit.

Peace and Love.

#BWSU Family

p.s. Don’t forget to like, comment and share:)  Thanks.
