Wednesday Wrap-Up

By Breanne_banessi

Hey guys! I want to start a weekly (read: whenever I have time to do it) series on Wednesdays where I post some of the favorite styles I've seen this past week on the blogosphere.  Check out some of my faves down below and let me know if I missed any in the comments!!
I love the palm trees on Emilie's jacket because it reminds me of my new home (Southern California) and my favorite place ever: In-N-Out.  Check out more of her looks at her site:

This dress is just too cute and Carmen wears it incredibly well!  I also love her Guess watch, which you can see by checking out her site at:

Finally, Courtney looks super fierce in this pink & proper outfit!  Plus. her J. Crew belt adds just the right amount pop.  You can find more of Courtney at her site:

So these were the top 3 looks I came across this week.  What do you think? Have any recommendations?  Let me know down below!!