Wednesday Wants #8

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__

So maybe I should just change this feature to 'Topshop wants'! It's funny because I always see so much gorgeous stuff on the Topshop website, but hardly ever buy any of it or shop there. When I lived in Cardiff I practically lived in Topshop - it must be something to do with have a student loan and a huge flagship-type store. The Southampton Topshop is pants. This explains it!Recently discovered that pinks and reds kinda suit me - funny because for years I steered away from them. I got it into my head that red and blonde didn't 'go', and have never been much of a pink person when it comes to clothes. All three of these items have varying degrees of pinky red tones which I love. What do you think? Love/loathe any of these pieces?