
By Elizabethwix

A sticky, sultry day.

Went up to Broadway on the bus, then walked to Union Square.

A really super time of year there. Lots and lots of multi-colored heirloom tomatoes. Somehow I mostly stick to red --though apparently the others taste wonderful too.

Plums. I always think of the wonderful love poem

This Is Just To Say

by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

The sort of plums you pour cake batter on and pop in the oven.

The usual sort of green-ish customers.....

and a summer hat.

The beets were so pretty they got their portrait done (think Dutch still lives)...

not to mention the roses and the peaches

and the beets again.....

The afternoon was a mix of sun and storms.

I mostly hate salad unless the tomatoes are actually ripe. The pink things are chick peas turned pink from being in beet salad. Happy summer eating!