Wedding Thank You Cards Wording [2020 Guide]

By Olga

Original content: Wedding Thank You Cards Wording [2020 Guide]

Once the wedding is over, you must send out thank you cards to everyone who made your day a sweet reality. Now, it’s one thing to send thank you card and another thing to make it count. What makes it worthy is the depth, excitement, and sincerity in the wedding thank you card wording. In this post, we will help you make your cards count by showing you some wedding thank you card etiquette. We’ve also outlined tips on wedding thank you cards wording, structure, and samples of cards showing you what to write.


Why Writing Wedding Thank You Notes is Important

Thank you card writing is something that will never go out of style. People like it that you remembered to thank them for their gift, or even that they shared in your special day. Remember, some of your guests traveled great distances and made sacrifices to attend your wedding. A wedding thank you card is a great way to express your appreciation for the time, thought and effort they put into your wedding gift.

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Everyone who attended your wedding should receive a thank you card, as well as those who gave you a gift. This includes everything from extravagant gifts to monetary gifts to token gifts. Here is a brief list who should receive thank you cards:

  • Anyone who has given you any type of gift including engagement party gifts, shower gifts, bachelor/bachelorette party gifts and wedding gifts (monetary or otherwise)
  • Those who hosted any parties or events for your wedding
  • Your wedding attendants
  • Whoever is hosting the wedding
  • Vendors, suppliers, wedding planner, etc. (limo drivers, florists, and so forth)
  • Those who hosted your wedding guests.

If you need advice on how to address your thank you notes, refer to our article on How To Address An Invitation.

You should send out thank you cards for those gifts received prior to your wedding within two weeks after you have received the gift. For those gifts, you get at your wedding, or after, the proper time frame is within three months. This way you will not have to worry about what to say at the wedding thank you notes on your honeymoon. You can relax and enjoy your honeymoon. When you return home, you can take the time to focus on your thank you notes for your wedding gifts.

Wedding Thank You Cards Dos And Don’ts

  • Do send out wedding thank you cards three months after the wedding, at most. Anything beyond that and it becomes an awkward gesture.
  • Don’t mention how much you were gifted but inform how you’d use it. Being specific about how much a person gave you could make them feel a type of way.
  • Do send wedding thank you cards to every guest that was present regardless if they brought gifts or not. Their time and costs incurred to make your wedding is enough to sacrifice.
  • Don’t leave out those who helped in the wedding planning. They made your day beautiful enough for other guests, so keep them in mind even if they didn’t make the party.
  • Personalize each thank you card wording by making mention of specific things. The recipients will appreciate it more, knowing that it was well-tailored for them.
  • Don’t go solo when writing your thank you cards. Involve your new spouse so that both of you can express yourselves.
  • Do sign off by hand and your married name if you wish to change it.
  • Don’t lose any gift or the giver’s information. Keep track of them by documenting them so that it will be easy to personalize notes.
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Tips For Writing Wedding Thank You Cards

  • Prepare your supplies like notes, stamps, pens, address lists or labels, envelopes, etc. Keep them together.
  • Decide on how much to write per sitting. It makes the job easier.
  • Keep wedding thank you note wording personalized but not unique. You can repeat words to save time, but mail them at the same time.
  • Keep it short, sweet, heartfelt and well crafted. It’s a thank you card, not a love letter.
  • Word opening and closing lines based on your relationship with the recipient. It ensures they value it more.
  • Type the main words but specific gifts and sign off should be handwritten.

Structure Of A Wedding Thank You Card Wording

  • The structure of the general wedding thank you card wording is simple and straight to the point. And it is a template that works for every style of card and relationship with the recipient. See a guide on how to construct thank you cards below.
  • Appreciate them for attending your wedding. And if they were absent, mention that you missed them.
  • Say thank you for the gift and mention something specific about how you’ll use it.
  • Close with sweet words of how much they mean to you. You may also pen down a neutral love quote that becomes the footnote of all cards.

Here are examples of both a good and bad thank you note:

Good Thank You Note Example wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-proper-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-proper-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards%20wording%20proper%20thank%20you%20note" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-proper-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-proper-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook
Bad Thank You Note Example wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-bad-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-bad-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards%20wording%20bad%20thank%20you%20note" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-bad-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-bad-thank-you-note-500x355.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Never mention the exact amount of a monetary gift. Instead, say something like “Thank you for your kindness and generosity.”

It is also a good idea to keep a list as you write each card. This way you will be sure not to forget anyone. You can find templates online to create a tracking system if you prefer. Or you can do it the old-fashioned way and write a list. Either way, be sure to write down the name of the person who sent the gift, the date it was received and then the item itself. Then check it off after you have completed the thank you note.

What To Write In A Wedding Thank You Card

The content of a wedding thank you card is quite determined by the kind of gift brought and relationship with the guest.

Wedding Thank You Wording For Money

Wedding thank you wording for money focuses not on the amount but how it will be well utilized. Be specific about this bit of information. Also, remember to thank them and mention how generous they are.

wedding-thank-you-card-for-money-500x355.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-card-for-money-500x355.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20card%20for%20money" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-card-for-money-500x355.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-card-for-money-500x355.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Personalized Wedding Thank You Notes

Personalized wedding thank you card wording examples like the one below is for handy creatives. Download a template or make your own cards. It takes more time but you get to leave your personal touch.

wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-personalized-wedding-thank-you-notes.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-personalized-wedding-thank-you-notes.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards%20wording%20personalized%20wedding%20thank%20you%20notes" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-personalized-wedding-thank-you-notes.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-personalized-wedding-thank-you-notes.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Customized Wedding Thank You Cards

Order custom cards monogrammed with your names and wedding date to make it stand out. Type up messages for the first page. Handwrite the wording for wedding thank you cards to make it more personal.

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Related post: Wedding Invitation Wording

Wedding Thank You Flat Cards

Flat cards are quite made out of very durable card stock. There’s no risk of squeezing or bending. The wedding thank you notes wording goes on the same page because it’s not folded in two.

wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-wedding-thank-you-flat-cards-500x355.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-wedding-thank-you-flat-cards-500x355.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards%20wording%20wedding%20thank%20you%20flat%20cards" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-wedding-thank-you-flat-cards-500x355.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-wedding-thank-you-flat-cards-500x355.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Simple Wedding Thank You Cards

A simple wedding thank you card wording sample like the one below keeps it short and sweet. Yet it contains all necessary pieces of information like the name of the guest, gift given, and appreciation to the guest.

wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-simple-wedding-thank-you-cards-500x355.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-simple-wedding-thank-you-cards-500x355.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards%20wording%20simple%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-simple-wedding-thank-you-cards-500x355.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-simple-wedding-thank-you-cards-500x355.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Elegant Wedding Thank You Cards

A little more sophistication on the cards and sweetness to your wording brings on the elegance. You could make these thank you cards on your own or have them delivered to you in breathtaking styles.

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Thank You Note for Wedding Gifts

Wedding gift thank you wording focuses on the gift. If the gift is a part of your registry, thank the guest profusely for gifting you something you wished for. If it’s not, thank them and also tell them how you’d use it.

wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-thank-you-note-for-wedding-gifts-500x355.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-thank-you-note-for-wedding-gifts-500x355.jpg" href=";=;=Wedding%20Thank%20You%20Cards%20Wording%20%5B2020%20Guide%5D%20%E2%98%85%20wedding%20thank%20you%20cards%20wording%20thank%20you%20note%20for%20wedding%20gifts" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-thank-you-note-for-wedding-gifts-500x355.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> wedding-thank-you-cards-wording-thank-you-note-for-wedding-gifts-500x355.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Wedding Thank You Cards With Photo

A photo thank you card is the mother of personalization and customization. Use a photo of your engagement or wedding and inscribe a message thanking guests on it.
Source: Shutterfly, Shutterfly, Shutterfly

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Now you have a hang on how to go about your thank you card wording. You must send out your cards within a decent time frame post-wedding. And while at it, ensure to follow the structure of the general wedding thank you card wording. Keep it short, sweet and heartfelt and make it as personalized as possible. Thank you cards help re-live your big day, so have fun writing them.