Wedding Shower Invitations

By Weddingblog2011

For many, hosting a wedding shower is a new thing, and even the invitations are a puzzle. Who should you invite? How should you invite? Should you send email invitations, or should you use traditional invites? How should the invitations look like? What should they say? All of these questions and more need to be answered for the well meaning but inexperienced host who is throwing their loved ones a wedding shower. Wedding showers should be fun, so why not take a burden off of your mind with a little wedding shower invitations education?

Who you invite is often more important than how you invite them. The size of the wedding shower should vary, however, most wedding showers are still considered to be very small, intimate gatherings. Most successful wedding showers have invitation lists that have people who already know each other, and get along. Usually, the entire wedding party is invited to a wedding shower. Inviting close friends and family who know the bride very well (but weren't part of the bridal party) also is a smart idea.

The look and feel of the wedding shower invitations also tells guests volumes about what they should expect when they are going to the event. The more formal the wedding shower invitation appears, the more formal the event should be. Typically, wedding shower invitations are bought in the color theme of the wedding (or wedding shower, if they are different). A very social, and extremely casual wedding shower would probably be done using an email.

Every wedding invitation needs to have several things explained, otherwise the party will be disorganized. The time, date, and place all have to be clearly written somewhere on the invitation. Most wedding shower invitations also will explain if the party is casual, formal, and semi-formal. Always include an RSVP number or email, so that your guests can contact you should they not be able to arrive. Mentioning things such as gift registry, foods being served, and also whether or not children are allowed to attend with parents also might be noted.

For the largest amount of attendees, send wedding shower invites as early as possible. That way, people will be able to save the date. 3 weeks to a month is generally a good time frame. Once the invitations are sent out, it's time to get hosting!