Wedding Planning Or Work?

By Claire

Wel­come to the land of wed­dings, blogs and pretty things.

Real wed­dings

  • Ruth and Rick’s “Just One” from Shoot­ing Hip (above) will knock your socks off!
  • A Wood­land Ore­gon Wed­ding The Sweet­est Occasion
  • Camilla & Dominicby Tobiah Tayo
  • Adam Drake Pho­tog­ra­phy Phil & Dana’s wed­ding looks fabulous
  • Vin­tage wed­ding at the lovely Maun­sel House by
  • Car­o­line and Spencer’s South Farm Wed­ding by Eliza Claire
  • The beau­ti­ful (and beau­ti­fully named!) Sun­shine and Michael by Natasha Thomp­son Photography

Be dif­fer­ent

Think cre­ative

Photo credit: by on Project Wed­ding blog (click to see)

  • Go OTT with your wed­ding flow­ers (it looks amaz­ing!) Project Wed­ding Blog
  • Great advice, taken, noted. Share the love! for artists every­where by Alex Beadon Photography
  • Quick and easy pretty DIY Flo­ral Head­bands for Brides­maids Kiss My Tulle

Love in the fifties post wed­ding expe­ri­ence by ARJ Pho­tog­ra­phy (click to read)

  • Look­ing for a Christ­mas or valentine’s day present? Here’s a bril­liant idea from ARJ Photo

Have an opinion

with thanks to @WeddingsNews for the big sto­ries of the week

Have a won­der­ful week­end every­one, happy shop­ping and all that xxx