Wedding Planners – Wedding Wednesday Tip – How to Make Everyday Productive and Successful

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Happy Wedding Wednesday!

Here’s an easy-to-follow tip to help you become a top wedding planner.
Do you want to be productive and successful everyday? Then you’ll need to do some planning and preparation every night.

In the evening, before you leave your desk, review your appointments and plan your marketing tasks for the next day. Then write a “To Do” list so you’ll know exactly what you’ll need to do when you return in the morning.

If you’re meeting with a new bride or vendor, plan what you’re going to wear before you go to bed. Then double check that your portfolio and notes are in order and put them in your bag or briefcase so you’re ready to go. You might also want to jot down any topics to discuss during your meeting so you don’t forget to talk about them.

When you show up for meetings prepared and organized, you’ll feel and look more confident. That confidence will help you attract more brides so you’ll have a more successful wedding planning business.

And if you want more help to become a top wedding planner, sign in to get my ezine “Wedding Planner Tips.”