Wedding Planners – Stop Begging Brides to Hire You

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Have you been begging brides to hire you as their wedding planner?

I was listening to an interview with sales trainer Todd Duncan and he pointed out that whenever we ask someone to hire us before we have shown them why they should and before they have gotten to know and trust us, we are begging.

An example of how wedding planners beg – repeated posts and tweets on social media asking brides to contact them if they want help planning their wedding without any information on why they would want to do it.

Wedding planning is a very personal service and you can’t expect to be hired from casual posts or tweets or one time meetings. Brides need to get to know who you are and what you can do for them before they will hire you.

Here are 5 ways you can help brides learn more about you:

1) Use your social media accounts to show them what you can do

Don’t beg! Pin photos of your work on Facebook and Instagram. Use Pinterest boards to show them examples of your style.

2) Share wedding planning tips that show you’re an expert

Write tips on planning weddings such as ideas for  keeping a wedding budget, choosing a venue or other aspects of wedding planning, and share them on your social media sites. You can also make short videos offering tips and post them on YouTube and upload them to your website or blog.

3) Offer a free downloadable report or checklist

Put together several pages of tips or create a wedding checklist that would be valuable to the brides you want to attract. Add an opt in box to your website or blog and have brides sign in with their email addresses to get it. With their permission, use their email addresses to send out weekly ezines with more information so they get to know you.

4) Ask to speak at bridal events

Offer to speak about wedding planning at local bridal events in stores or bridal shows (you may have to be an exhibitor to take advantage of this opportunity).

5) Offer free consultations

Offer short, 20 minute, free consultations to brides who are in your niche. Use the time to find out more about them and the weddings they want and explain how they can benefit from your services.

And if you want more help to become a top wedding planner, sign in to get my ezine “Wedding Planner Tips.”