Wedding Planners – How Successful Is Your Marketing?

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

As a wedding planner, you probably have a Pinterest account and are pinning images to attract brides. Has it been bringing you the success you want from it?

A  few weeks ago Pinterest launched their analytics tool for business accounts. Now you can see how many people have pinned your images to Pinterest from your website or blog, how many people saw those pins, and how many people clicked out from Pinterest to your sites. Also, you can see which images have been repinned the most so you can increase the number of pins you have on that topic and keep brides interested in your board. (My most popular board is Wedding Design Inspiration.)

If you haven’t set up analytics on your Pinterest account, you can learn how do it on the Pinterest blog.

Of course, Pinterest isn’t the only place where you should be checking and analyzing your online results. You or your webmaster should set up Google Analytics on your sites. With these tools you’ll know how many visitors your sites have each day, where they are coming from (Pinterest, Google search, Facebook, etc.), where they are located (it shows you with dots on a map), what pages they are reading, and how long they are staying. This way you’ll know where you should invest your online marketing time and money in the future.

And you need to be analyzing your other marketing efforts also so you know what type of marketing is generating the most business for you.

For example:

If you have exhibited in a bridal fair, did it provide you with a number of qualified leads who might become clients? (Of course, this means you took the time to follow up with attendees after the show and that you are continuing to market to them with emails and/or postcards.)

If you buy advertising on wedding websites, are they bringing you the brides you want or just the ones who are price shopping? Should you be advertising on different sites or perhaps updating your profile and the photos in your ad?

Take the time now to check to see which marketing efforts are working for you so you can concentrate on the ones that are bringing you the most success.