Wedding Planners – Don’t Give Up On Your Big 2013 Goals

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

We’re only three weeks into the year and I’ve learned that some new wedding planners are ready to give up on their 2013 goals. They’re overwhelmed by the commitments they made and feel discouraged enough to not pursue what they know will help them be successful.

The fact is, their goals are still doable. They just need to break them up into small steps that can be completed quickly so they get fast results.

Here are 3 big goals that new wedding planners often have and the small steps it takes to achieve them. These examples may help you if you have similar goals and are also feeling discouraged:

Goal #1 – Earn an online wedding planner certification


  1. Research affordable programs that fit your schedule (Some demand that you complete them within a specific period of time so be sure you can meet this requirement before you enroll.)
  2. Contact schools and, if possible, talk to recent graduates to determine which would best give you the education you want
  3. Commit to a program and schedule time on your calendar each week to complete training

Don’t decide you are going to set aside one weekend to complete the entire course! Life happens and chances are good you will not be able to complete an entire course in a weekend, or even two, and end up giving up.

Goal #2 – Set up a blog and blog three times a week


  1. Research and set up an easy-to-use blog (example - Blogger)
  2. Write a list of topics you can start with (get inspiration from my post on topics to reach new brides)
  3. Schedule writing time on your calendar
  4. Choosing topics from your list, write one post a week until you feel more comfortable writing regularly, then add more posts

Don’t start by writing everyday for a week, getting overwhelmed, and not doing it again for two months. It’s better to start slowly and be consistent so the search engines pick up your posts and you start attracting a good following.

Goal #3 -  Meet new wedding vendors and expand your network


  1. Research where you can meet wedding vendors in your local area (Check with local chapters of wedding and event planner associations, bridal show exhibitor lists, business networking groups, social events at places of worship, chambers of commerce, and convention and visitors bureaus.)
  2. Schedule time to attend these events and introduce yourself to wedding vendors
  3. Set-up coffee meetings to get to know vendors better, one or two a week would be plenty

Remember it is quality over quantity. You don’t need to meet with every vendor in your area. Find the ones whom you know would be able to help the brides in your niche and whom you can work with easily.

Once you start seeing yourself accomplishing your small steps, you’ll gain the motivation you need to continue working in the direction of accomplishing your big goals.