Wedding Planners – 5 Ways to Cope With the Stress of Having a New Wedding Planning Business

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

You started your wedding planning business to pursue your passion and leave behind the stress of working for someone else and having a 9 to 5 job. However, having your own business doesn’t mean you won’t have stress but it does mean that you are in total control of how you cope with it.

Here are 5 ways you can manage your stress:

1) Identify the source(s) of your stress

This will help you know where you need to take action. If you’re a new wedding planner you may be stressed because you’re not sure how to start your business successfully or how to attract the brides you want. You might be worried that you won’t be able to perfectly plan a wedding. (Relax, these are all things you can learn to do.)

2) Get organized

Keep your office in order and have a place for everything. If you don’t, you’ll spend countless hours stressed while looking for important items and information.

And, write to-do lists for your business and home tasks so don’t have the stress of trying to remember everything. Then, schedule all of your tasks in your calendar (and remember to add in breaks).

3) Overestimate the time it will take you to do anything

Always anticipate that things will take longer to accomplish than you believe they will. So whether you’re planning to do administrative tasks in your office or work on a wedding for a bride, build extra time into your schedule for each task. You don’t want to feel overwhelmed and stressed when things don’t go as quickly as you had hoped.

4) Learn from mistakes others have made

Talking to successful wedding professionals about the beginnings of their businesses will help you understand that you’re not the first one to experience some of the issues that are causing you stress. And, you’ll learn from them how they overcame their problems so you can do the same. (Reading this blog will help you, especially if you don’t know anyone in the industry yet who you can talk to easily.)

5) Lead a balanced life

Turn off your smart phone, tablet and computer for a few hours every day and spend time with family and friends talking about something other than your business. And, take some time to exercise, meditate, journal and/or listen to music. These things will not only help you reduce your feelings of stressstress, they’ll keep your mind and body in shape so you’ll have more energy and stamina to overcome stress in the future.

And if you want more help to become a top wedding planner, sign in to get my ezine “Wedding Planner Tips.”