Wedding Photography at The Asylum Chapel

By Tuxandtales @TuxandTales

Clare & Hugo’s Asylum Chapel Super-Fun Wedding

We love going on photography adventures that take us out of Yorkshire and so we were super thrilled when Clare and Hugo invited us for a fun-filled day of wedding photography at The Asylum Chapel in London. Awesome couples that have fantastic days often have the loveliest friendship group – people who don’t think twice about going that extra mile to support and look after each other. So naturally, when Clare mentioned that we had met her before in her role as a bridesmaid at ‘the awesome wedding two years ago’, we knew exactly who she was and also knew we were in store for a fantastic day of super cool London wedding photography at The Asylum Chapel.

You don’t become a wedding photographer if you don’t like people and so much of our job satisfaction is derived from photographing couples, their friends and family and documenting all those super-important moments in their lives. We always want to see what happens next and with the promise that Jennie (the bride from ‘the awesome wedding two years ago’) was going to be chief bridesmaid AND have her new baby with her – well, we just couldn’t wait to get down to London and begin the next installment in this friendship groups adventures! 

The day started out fantastically, while I (Matt) met up with Hugo at Bermondsey Square Hotel, Jaye joined Clare at a flat in Southwark. I just love watching a couple’s dynamics – how two personalities can alternatively contrast and compliment each other but ultimately come together in a unique way that works just right. These unique dynamics were certainly evident in the way Clare and Hugo approached their wedding preparations. Whilst Clare leaped into her day in a flurry of explosive energy, a more reserved Hugo was managing to keep his cool despite the increasingly hot London Summer day weather and the mounting excitement. After lots of laughs, photos of the cutest baby ever (baby courtesy of Jennie) and even the impromptu appearance of an inflatable dinosaur, it was finally time for Hugo to head over to The Asylum Chapel and await his bride.

Wedding Photography at Asylum Chapel

Wedding photography at The Asylum Chapel is always a pleasure and we have rapidly fallen in love with photographing at this beautiful venue. Tucked away in a leafy green oasis of parkland in Peckham, The Asylum Chapel provides an amazing, atmospheric space in which to get married. Awesome stained glass, crumbling, textural walls and the warm glow of candlelight – it’s easy to see why we love wedding photography at the Asylum so much. In an intimate and touching ceremony, Clare and Hugo were married – then it was time to head outside for confetti and canapes.

Clare and Hugo have so much fun together and are the perfect couple for authentic, natural documentary wedding photography. With The Asylum Chapel providing an awe-inspiring backdrop, we couldn’t have asked for a better location or happier faces. Finally, after lots of laughter and a whole lot more amazing wedding photography at The Asylum Chapel, it was time for us all to hop into a taxi and head over to the evening reception.

Clare and Hugo were having their reception at The Tanner Warehouse in Bermondsey Square and had planned a fun-filled evening complete with table tennis and a glorious feast. Hugo kicked off the speeches with his best man in support, and then it was Clare’s dad’s turn to provide one of the funniest dad speeches of our 2018. We just love when dads really own their speeches and it wasn’t long before Clare’s dad had everyone laughing so hard that there wasn’t a dry eye left in the house.

With the sun setting outside, a packed dance floor made for the perfect end to an awesome day of creative and fun wedding photography.

Hugo and Clare we had such a good time at your wedding and can’t wait to see where your adventures take you next!