Wedding Photographer Rugby | Matt & Sarah’s Pre-Wedding Session.

By Neilbowler @neilbowlerphoto

Wedding Photographer Rugby

Last weekend I met up with my old school friend Sarah and her hubby to be for their pre-wedding session.  I’ve known Sarah for the best part of 20 years, she’s also been at other weddings that i have covered so it’s lovely to see her and that I’m in charge of capturing her special day.  We had tried to meet up before although due to the weather we had to keep rescheduling however, I’m so glad we did as the sun was shining which gave us the lovely light us photographers crave.

Sarah & Matt are marrying at Somerford Hall next month, a new venue for me and i can’t wait.  Sarah will make a beautiful bride and i get to catch up with lots of people I know.  I think their wedding will be a lot of fun and really excited for them.

A few shots from their pre-wedding.  *Squirrel gatecrash*

See you soon guys.