Wedding Invitations for You

By Claire

Wendy’s Flamingo design was cre­ated for her wed­ding. She coor­di­nated the wed­ding invi­ta­tions to tie in with her wed­ding venue — the Roof Gar­dens in Kens­ing­ton. The funky invi­ta­tions take inspi­ra­tion from the colour­ings of the wed­ding venue. The flamin­gos are found in their gar­dens and the dots sym­bol­ise the beaded cur­tains in the Roof Gar­dens club area. Wendy offers a bespoke invi­ta­tion design ser­vice… and you can see just how much thought and atten­tion to detail goes into the design process!

Pea­cock Spots wed­ding invi­ta­tion:

Above, Pea­cock Spots wed­ding invi­ta­tion. Intri­cately dot­ted designs evoke the nat­ural pat­terns of pea­cock feath­ers, in cool pink and grey… so sophisticated.

Mono­chrome Hearts wed­ding invi­ta­tion:

Mono­chrome Hearts wed­ding invi­ta­tion. I love the grungey hearts, the tex­tures and beau­ti­fully messy design with such a lovely type­face. Yummy.

I Love You wed­ding invi­ta­tion: (Wendy, we love you too!)

My favorite invi­ta­tion from Wendy Bell’s col­lec­tion is the I Love You design — it just looks like so much fun, and the colours are fabulous!

Beau­ti­ful But­ter­flies wed­ding invi­ta­tion:

…while these but­ter­flies against a dark back­ground stand out from the crowd — a really pretty design with a beau­ti­ful con­tem­po­rary feel to it.

Art Nou­veau wed­ding invi­ta­tion:

Last but not least, this is Wendy’s Art Nou­veau wed­ding invi­ta­tion design. It’s so pretty and ele­gant, but fits with the more glam­orous side of vin­tage that we’re see­ing emerge in the wed­ding indus­try for 2012. The squares in the lay­out con­trast with the del­i­cate flower designs, and I love the swirly bits.

She’s so talented!

Wendy Bell is an accom­plished designer, hav­ing grad­u­ated from Win­ches­ter School of Art & Design with a BA (Hons) degree in Tex­tile Design, spe­cial­is­ing in Print. When she became engaged in 2010 and designed her own wed­ding sta­tionery Wendy decided to cre­ate a bespoke invi­ta­tion design ser­vice — and I’m delighted she did!

Find out more about Wendy, see other wed­ding invi­ta­tion designs and read about her bespoke design ser­vice at